Tantra is an old art of sexuality and life philosophy originating in India where it was practised and further develop by a group of tantra masters. Considering the prevailing Hinduism in India, which is very strict in respect of sexuality, it was obvious tantra was kept secret. Hinduism also does not allow marriage between individual castes and pre-marital sex is a complete taboo. Caste categories were of no importance for tantra for it teaches that all people are an impersonation of a god Shivy or a goddess Shakti, therefore equal. According to tantra tradition the world was created during a lovers´ dance of Shiva and Shakti, but despite this divinity, tantra is not a religion. It is more a practical art of mediation and life philosophy though in some broader issues it meets with religion. But why is tantra all that dangerous to having been practised secretly and for long period of time only passed on inside devotees? The main reason might be tantra leads any man to freedom achieved through awareness of his/hers own potential and self-acceptance and discovering sexual energy powers. If anyone reaches this awareness through a practical experience, there is no longer a need to be controlled by others but desires to live as a free being. Yet this kind of awareness is quite dangerous for the ruling caste believing people need to be controlled and sexuality suppressed. If tantra wants free people then it must be stopped for good! Luckily for us this teaching has been kept until today and is now very popular. As I mentioned above, one important issues of tantra is working with your sexuality and the art of love; yet it would be misleading to reduce tantra only to this particular area. Surely there is more to it; it is an art of mediation and practical life, searching for earthily happiness, discovering a divine character in yourself and others and obviously respect to yourself and others. Tantra teaches us to develop our unique abilities and gifts and make yourself and others happy; it is against taboos and common practices and habits. It says there is no black and white view of the world, no good or bad. Goodness means a different thing for anyone therefore tantra does not judge people, but teaches to accept and respect them as they are. One of tantra´s important goals is a transformation of primitive sexual energy into a vital life force and further into a spiritual energy.
Sexuality in tantra is considered a sacred act of celebrating a human being when each lovers´ act becomes a process of connecting with the other person in unity and overcoming a loneliness of your own being through sexual connection when “I” becomes “we”. It is a celebration of a body and mind. Tantra teaches to perceive sexuality as a divine act on contrary to European, mostly Christian view where sex outside marriage is sex just for sin pleasure. Through purification of sexuality from sin and dirtiness we learn to accept it and enjoy so we get in deeper contact with our own and our partner’s body and we sink deeper and deeper into loving mediation. Sexual energy is the strongest energy in human and if we give it a free way it becomes a source of creativity and releasing our own potential which is an objective of a number of tantra practice and mediations.
Tantra and a related tantra massage awaken and releases kundaliní energy. So called serpent power that is usually portrayed as a serpent coiled around the base of a spine. Awakened kundaliní energy then rises up the spine through all seven energetic channels (chakras) and intertwines. As the serpent is gradually developing the energy is rising from the bottom up and connects with sexuality and spirituality; the Earth with the heaven. Awakening of the power brings finally spiritual awareness and developing of your sexual power. As soon as it is awakened, it rises together with life energy of a man (prána) and physical and mental troubles go away. Kundaliní power rises through massage, special breathing exercises, sexual positions and ways of living. A man with awakened kundaliní power is in harmony with himself and his sexual and life power.
Chakras (in Sanskrit beliefs or a spinning wheel of energy) are energetic centres responding to seven basic life areas of a man. Issues with a certain chakra indicate it needs to discover and heal. During a tantra massage there is a harmonisation of all seven charkas and their interconnection. It is possible to work with them consciously but also intuitively, nonetheless a professional tantra therapist should know all the chakras and be able to consciously tune into them or feel if any of them is unnourished. Chakras have no anatomic reasoning; they come along the spine and are a part of a person´s aura. During tantra massage we aim at awakening sexual chakras but as we understand overall physical harmony and balance we don’t forget also higher chakras. An ideal is opening of so called inner flute.
Tantra massage is a ritual coming from a tantra philosophy and principles; it is an invitation to the world of senses, care, beauty and tenderness and an exciting discovery of your own ecstatic feelings. It is the way to get out of your daily manner limits and give in to the present moment. Its form is not always strictly set; each masseur or a masseuse have their own approach with a good knowledge of tantra techniques and principles. Tantra massage is not a physical contact but a contact of two hearts, communication without words between the giver and receiver in a tantra ritual of intimacy, trust and discovering your own sexuality. Tantra massage is due to increasing number of tantra therapists easily available to modern people and often also an entry gate to tantra itself. During a tantra massage according to its teaching what matters is developing and cultivating sexual energy; deepening of pleasure and unblocking bodily energy. Tantra massage is a healing massage. As mentioned concrete techniques of tantra massage vary; the principle of a massage as rewarding and giving to the receiver and common meeting of two hearts should be preserved. The massage itself is a ritual with a certain form and there is a space for individuality of the giver and receiver; trusting intuition and a present moment. Also tantra massage borders are important; those need to be preserved. One of the main principles is an absence of sex between the giver and receiver and mutual tenderness exchange. The massage is based on full understanding of an accepting client’s role, who can fully concentrate on himself/herself without having to give anything back or in return, which many experience in the framework of tantra massage for the first time.
Joni is a Sanskrit name for female genitals. Kámasutra knows many other poetic names as a gate to life, lotus flower, the garden of Aphrodite, Venus pearl or a nephrite temple. These names are an opposite pole of a medicine term of vagina, vulgarisms as a cunt or infantile names as a pussy. Tantra respects joni with much honour; it is a mystic gate to a new knowledge and loving meditation and its name corresponds to what it is in real. A beautiful and a mystic thing.
Lingam is a Sanskrit name for male genitals. Tantra uses the name of vajra; in tantra temples all through India you often see a statue of lingam covered with flowers. There is a common ritual with Indies breaking coconuts at lingam statues and leave the coconut milk flow down to be fertile and manly. During the ritual of a tantra massage you can often see lingam statue in joni symbolising sacred connection of a man and a woman.
It is the most important god of the Hindu triple which plays an important role in tantra philosophy. According to tantra concept god of Brahma created the world, Vishnu preserved it and Shiva destroyed it. The destruction of universe is not literary but it means the beginning of a new creation; the universe was destroyed in order to be created with a new quality. The cult of god Shiva is a cult of life’s transience and a celebration of fulfilment. Shiva does not represent the end of physical existence; it impersonates calmness and death. It is often portrayed as a dancing Shiva - Nataraj, meditating Shiva or Shiva´s lingam. In tantra any man is an impersonation of Shiva therefore it is necessary to show respect and help him develop his manly qualities. As part of tantra massage there is always a statue of Shiva symbolising manly qualities. The aspect of celebrating of human being and physical and mental recovery is also important.
Goddess of Shakti is a partner of a god Shiva; she is the goddess of universal energy, vitality and female sexual powers. It impersonates the ability to love, feel and create; she is often portrays as a meditating woman through which a universal energy flows. Shakti is a goddess that takes on various forms and traits. She can be motherly caring, wildly passionate or destructive. Shakti represents the ability of all women to enter various archetypical forms.
Ganesha, the god with elephant head, is a son of goddess Párvatí and a god Shiva; it is a nice patron of plenty, wisdom and arts. He helps removing obstacles and opens new paths. It is often located in Indian houses and tantra centres as a patron and protector of new projects. Ganesha has an elephant head because according to the legend his mother Párvatí created it from parts of her own clothes in absence of her husband Shiva. Later she sent him guard the cave entrance so she could take a bath peacefully. Jealous Shiva didn’t know him and thinking he’s a lover of his wife he cut his head off. When he learnt Ganéša is his son, he went to the jungle and cut the first creature’s head off he saw and gave it to Ganesha.
Lakshmi is a wife of the god of Vishnu and it is honoured all throughout India as the main hindu goddess. It is most often portrayed as a beautiful woman on a lotos flower seated or standing. Lakshmi is an impersonation of a comfortable life, happiness, plenty and marital humbleness.
Tara represents the highest spiritual transformation through female spirituality. He name means the rescuer; she is a patron and protector of all suffering creatures. Tara has twenty one forms and most often she is portrayed as The White Tara representing motherhood, care, fertility and compassion or The Green Tara that is active and energetic protector of unjustly suffering creatures (for example she is the national patron of Tibet). She is often portrayed as a seated young woman with her right arm on her knee and palms facing forward which symbolises plenty and goodness. In the other hand she carries a stalk of lotus. In Tibetan Buddhism Tara is known as the saviour that appears in the moment of urgent need after calling a mantra: „óm táre tuttáré turé sváhá“.
Tantra massage in times of a matriarchate was done in the temples of love goddess. Parts of the ritual were also oriental, aphrodisiacal essences which supported and developed sensual atmosphere of the massage. The most favourite were cloves, black pepper, vanilla, sandal wood, patchouli, Boswellia serrata, orange tree, ylang – ylang, jasmine and rose. The atmosphere also includes a proper music that is slow, sensual and meditative. A suitable music of the client and a masseuse also supports, relaxes and gives inspiration. There is also an altar with fresh flowers, ritual objects, Indian scarf sarong or soft sensual objects as fur gloves or peacock’s feathers.
As stated above a tantra massage is not a sensual or erotic massage but it has a spiritual base. To remind of it the location room has an altar with tantra symbols of manhood, femininity and sacred tantra connection. Sometimes there are statues of tantra gods or goddesses symbolising a quality the giver wants to put into the massage (egotism, energy, passion, motherhood and care).
A ritual framework of a tantra massage allows a given and a receiver let go of the common life and open the space for new and unexpected living in the present moment. A man opens himself/herself and becomes more free and unburdened with social roles. A ritual of a tantra massage includes the whole personality of the receiver without excluding any other parts. It awakens sexuality and a new life force that can free a personality. A ritual form gives both a giver and receiver the feeling of safety coming from the certainty the framework will not be overcome. A tantra massage gives anyone the feeling of divine energy of Shiva and Shakti in everyone.
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Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd., Grafická 1216/25 (entrance: Na Čečeličce 5), Prague 5. IČ: 24688142. |