Tantra massage Prague Ltd. – Tantra masseuse Anna

Tantra masseuse Anna

Anna is a temperamental and proud woman that loves life all over. Whatever she does she does it for full with her personality, passion and love and provides herself and her arts to you to enjoy a perfect connection of your mind and body tantra offers.


Apart from giving massages I go to theatre, ride a horse, and enjoy fencing, acrobatic dance and yoga.

Why the tantra massage?

Tantra gives me an opportunity to meet people on a deep intense level, to guide them on their way to nature and bring them relief, pleasure and joy during these stressful times. I found a perfect connection between a philosophy of the body and mind and sensuality and psychotherapy that are my fields of expertise, as well as a celebration of life that I praise above all. Each meeting is completely unique for me. In a safe, respecting and trusting environment I will be your guide on your way to harmony of all your senses.

Favourite tantra massage procedures:

I love playful and sensual simplicity of Classical tantra massage, as well as long refine De luxe tantra massage, which allow me to understand every millimeter of your body and awaken a hot energy of your sexuality.




I have been to tantra massages almost everywhere in Europe but just you guys showed me what tantra is about. Anna (masseuse), she is so energetic and powerful. Every single part of my body was awaken. The morning after it I felt like a different person. So relaxed and fresh.
Dear Tantra masasage in Prague,

Hereby I would like to tell my feelings about you services I took in May. I was very surprise by Anička who cared about me. Words cannot express what I got at your temple. I love open-minded girls so since we started with talking this was a full experience of joy, closeness and intimacy. When the massage started I went to the heaven. It was like a dream full of sweet touches and gentle press. At the end I felt full acceptance. She was holding my hands so tender and firmly! This nice woman got back smile to my face and bright to my head. Thank you for all of this and keep on!
Dear Tantra massage,

thank you for a very nice tantra massage today with Ondra and Anicka. It was as a wonderful tantric experience for both of us. We will certainly come back.
Anne & Rune
The massage was started by a ritual that happened in upright position and was supposed to take off all the masks my partner and I brought inside the parlour. During tantra massage just one level is important, that is meeting of a man and a woman and everything else must go away. When I opened my eyes after the procedure I felt like a different human being. I perceived tantra massage as purifying ritual, a new beginning I can build on. And that was not the ending! After the massage Lukáš and I took a bath in a shape of heart with lights of candles we were holding hands and let all the feelings fade out.
Glanc magazine April/2013
Meanwhile Anička was changing her clothes. She took of her green aesthetic clothes but claret scarf tied up behind her neck. And then it began. She came close to me, hugged me tightly so I could feel her nice smelling breath. It was pleasant anyway. She approached my intimate zone and I became nervous and confused. Moreover there were photo flashes… I preferred to close my eyes. The masseuse used long moves with her hands all across my hands and legs breathing deeply and loudly and I started to sink inside myself and connect with her on energy level.
Coverage in Blesk pro ženy magazine
While I was thinking I realised Anna rhythmically, slowly and deeply breathing. It is another tantra technique and I caught on with her breath too. As she was taking care of me on all non-sexual parts of my body, putting hot towels on my thighs and warming my back with hot stones and I needn’t care of anything, even breathing became automatic as I just followed her, I stopped worrying about what I will write and began slowly levitating. To use the language of Buddhism – all duality was disappearing.
Coverage of Jiří X. Doležal published in the weekly magazine Reflex
Once again I would like to thank you for all the wonderful moments spent in your centre and mainly incredibly skilful hands of a masseuse Anička, who could take away all my worries and taught me to enjoy the experience for full. Prior to my first visit I hesitated for a long time to meet tantra and this kind of massage. Although I resourced many interesting and useful information from your website, still I entered your parlour quite tense. After entering the door the space full of peace and calm opened to me. With Anička a beautifully smiling, understanding and tender personality entered the room and all my worries were suddenly gone. During initial interview it was clear I am looking into the eyes of an intelligent man with rich experience of tantra teaching and enough enthusiasm to apply. The massage was a journey beyond this world; everything except myself and touching of the masseuse ceased to exist. Her skills provided unknown relaxation and lots of new energy all through my body. I was cradled and fully devoted to my feelings up to the moment when a cruel ending was announced, though with a return to reality. During the final interview I started to realise what I experienced and hardly could find the words to describe it. I have to appreciate a great patience and empathy of my masseuse who only took a few moments and after several sentences we spoke she understood my attitude and needs. I was so thrilled by the experience to repeat it again and I am always looking forward to more Anička´s care. Thank you for the moments purely enriching my life.
Let me thank you for yesterday´s amazing experience with Míša and Anička. I still haven’t “fully recovered”. I have tried tantra massage the first time in my life and I already know it was not the last time. At the beginning it was not easy to relax but the whole thing was still amazing especially due to a great attitude of your wonderful and fascinating masseuses. I could hardly find the right words except the English expression "heavenly". I already know the answer to "What would you do if the world ended tomorrow?" I´d go visit your tantra place. Thank you for professional and warm attitude.
Tantra massage Prague Ltd. Na Čečeličce 5, Praha 5 Kontaktní údaje Tel: +420 603 185 066 E-mail: info@tantramasaze.com
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