Lecturer Anna

Lecturer Anna

Therapist, lecturer, Tantra masseuse and team supervisor with a broad range of experiences from Tantra courses abroad. She is about to finish her MA studies in Theology and Psychosocial Program at Charles University in Prague.


She graduated from the Social Pedagogy programme at Charles University in Prague as well as a three-year-long program of Psychosocial Studies at Prague University. Other: Telephone Crisis Intervention Program (180 hours, accredited by MŠMT), course in general primal prevention against addictive drugs and other forms of risky behaviour (150 hours, accredited by MŠMT), course in sports and conditioning massages (150 hours, accredited by MŠMT), trained in school of Tantra and Tantra Massage programs at Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd. under the supervision of Michaela Lynnette Torstenová.

Other courses and seminars:

  • Self-experience art-therapy group for professionals helping others by means of their work. Supervised by Mgr. Jan Roušal, Mgr. Dana Horáková (Dikobraz o.s.)
  • Dasein analysis in psychotheraupeutics and consultation. Supervised by Mgr. Jakub Zlámaný (2009-2010), Prague University of Psychosocial Studies
  • Dasein Analytic Dream Explication. Supervised by Dr. Jiří Růžička, PhDr. Oldřích Čálek, 2009, Prague University of Psychosocial Studies
  • Body in the Realm of Psychotherapy. Supervised by S. Heidlerová, E. Havrdová, 2010, Prague University of Psychosocial Studies
  • Work with symbols. Supervised by Mgr. Martin Skála (2008)


Project coordinator and education lecturer in the area of human rights (Amnesty International), crisis consulting (Linka Bezpečí), lecturer of risk behavior primal prevention (Prey-centrum o.s., Magdalena, o.p.s., Prospe o.s.), children programme lecturer, Program Kompas (Hestia o.s.) and courses for volunteers, self-experience courses. hippotherapy.

Outside of Work:

I try to devote my free time to spontaneous dance, I practice yoga and I ride horses. I love theatre, white wine and strawberries. I’m open-minded and happy.


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