Tantra, thousand years old and still live teaching on the art of sacred sexuality, is today developing. Tantra teaching is based on personal experience and enjoyment, therefore tantra has always been taught from the teacher (guru) to student. There is no clearly written code what tantra should be exactly; the intention and philosophy behind it. Every guru that we today call lecturer has own tantra practice according to the vision and personal experience with tantra. Today tantra is often combined with shamanism, arts and modern psychotherapy.
TTantra, if practised for long term, gets rid of physical and mental blocks, makes a person more liberated and open and therefore has overall therapeutic effects. Today tantra attracts a number of experienced psychologists and psychotherapists who understand it as a human development method. Because tantra also works with intimate levels and themes often beyond the level of classical psychotherapy, some therapists convert to tantra and start teaching themselves.
hat is also the case of Ma Prem Sugandho, a German teacher and a direct follower of Osho, who also studied psychology at university and organises tantra courses in the Czech Republic for a number of years. Let’s have a look into her life and understanding of tantra teaching.
Sugandho: The main difference between tantra and psychology, the way I understand it, is the absence of meditation in classical psychology. Traditional psychology focuses at diagnosing and healing of what is sick. It lacks any spiritual dimension, due to which the healing would lead not only to change of behaviour but also personal transformation.
Tantra copes with more than healing traumas; it is a different way of being in all dimensions of human life. Traumas and wounds cannot be overlooked; yet they are not the main objective of tantric work. They remain in the focus mainly to prepare the grounds for tantric life.
Tantric life means living in meditation. Meditation, sensitivity and joy… should be incorporated in all aspects of our life; starting from sexuality to work and everyday basic activities.
Sugandho: In my work I focus on energy centres in human body, the seven chakras. Each of them has its specific issues I deal with in following ways:
The first and the second chakras regard sexuality; our requirement to live socially in intimate relations; childhood memories and physical survival.
The third chakra works with using personal strength, dignity, freedom etc.
The fourth chakra is our connection with spiritual heart and also physical and emotional heart ; the development of love from individual direction towards social and universal dimension of love.
The fifth chakra works with self-expression, confidence and communication.
The sixth chakra regards inner seeing, clear mind and meditation.
A journey through chakras actually covers many aspects of human existence and helps a person look at life with higher level of consciousness. Our lives become full of colours, spontaneity and flowing. In daily life it means having more choices and resources to react to challenges life brings.
Sugandho: Tantra made an essential imprint into my life. Thanks to tantra I understood what amazing gift sexual energy is and I learnt to use this kind of energy in various ways. Sexual energy and freedom bring joy and sensitivity to everything we do; they bring real vitality and help us get aware of how precious life actually is. What I practice comes from Osho´s mysticism, who I met in person. All his teaching is taking tantra and its energy into everything that creates our lives.
Sugandho: The issue of monogamy and polygamy practically is an essential part of every seminar. Full enjoyment of sexual energy and living in healthy relationships at the same time touches many people I work with. Mainly because people open to each other more during seminars and automatically such questions are raised. There is no universal answer only personal effort to live authentically and in love. Tantra taught me that sexual energy needs to be seen, we cannot suppress it at al. But what people do in the name of sexual freedom can be escape from intimacy and conflicts. I prefer individual work with the issue to general statements. Seeking balance between freedom and devotion, freedom and responsibility, freedom and trust, is the path we walk.
Sugandho: I discovered tantra through Osho who I consider a real tantra master. He especially encouraged women to experiment with their sexual energy. Female sexuality has been historically supressed a lot. Osho also stated clearly that there are many steps in tantra and desire is only the first step up the ladder. When we use sexual energy to transformation, it leads us to unconditional love and prayer I understand a result of meditation.
In my work I try to send a message each man is born with the right to live a happy and fulfilled life. I try to encourage people not to let go off that privilege and overcome all obstacles to reach their dreams and satisfy their desires. To find a place where any small and large deed is filled with joy and life becomes a dance and celebration.
Sugandho: I like this question because I have never asked it myself. I lived in Germany for a long time and never visited the Czech Republic that belonged to the Soviet block at that time. When they asked me to come over here about four years ago for a seminar, I was surprised to meet people with a heart so big, people full of tenderness.
Sugandho: Meditation takes the highest priority and value in my life. I saved my life many times; it is something I can always rely on. It is inside me wherever I go. All you have to do is open your eyes and come inside. Due to meditation my life is balanced and rich; I have courage to take risks when necessary and relax to maximum, become a part of life. I learn to enjoy not only sunny but even cloudy days and gave up fighting things that don’t seem to go the way I want them to.
Sugandho: Indeed there are two places I feel like home. One of them is the sunny Puna and Osho meditation center. I have been going there for over twenty eight years and it is my spiritual home. Once a year I recharge my batteries there and together with my friends I become a part of experiment of spiritual growth; and experiment to reach better and higher kind of love.
Israel is my second home and especially its desert area. I have spent much time in Israel. I love Mediterranean climate and the mixture of Arabic and European lifestyle even though it brings much trouble too. Through my work I try to contribute to peace in the Middle East.
Sugandho: Osho has been a major influence since I was twenty. He was the most important person I´ve ever met. To live and fulfil his vision is the biggest gift for me. Thanks to Osho my life is special.
Sugandho: MMy best days look this way; in the morning my dogs wake me up to go out to the desert or run around dunes in Tel Aviv. Their lives remind me of how I should live mine. Before waking them or after that I meditate and take breakfast with my closest people I we got time to start the day slowly. Then I devote myself to work; a seminar, individual session, house cleaning or working on computer... I think I learnt to like what is necessary to do and I do it with love, not obligation.
Lately I have been learning Hebrew with my private teacher and my family relative. It is not easy but she gives me courage and hope to learn Hebrew fluently.
A month ago I learn to ride kayak in an open sea, which is a great way to meet the element of water. Sometimes we enjoy kayak during the full moon at the Tel Aviv beach. It is simply breath-taking.
Apart from adventurous journeys for work my life gets pretty simple. Soon I am going to move into a new house at the Northern part of Israeli desert, where people come to meditate, take part in my seminars and enjoy holidays in the silence of the desert.
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