Tantra has been a long searched-for journey for me on which I can descend into the present moment and touch another person with reverence and joy. Tantra massage is an opportunity to meet yourself, to open up your senses and start listening to your body. During tantra massage I will happily help you free yourself from everyday worries and find your true self which we often hide behind various masks. Give me your hand and let yourself be led along the path for a while.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Šárka is a sensitive and open woman with a big heart and a deep understanding for others as well as herself. Thanks to her openness, intelligence and gentle sense of humor, you will soon feel natural and safe in her presence. Her massage is dynamic, sensual and gentle at the same time. Surrender yourself to her caring touch and enjoy the magic of a tantra massage like none you have experienced before.
Specialization: Tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
I was overwhelmed by tantra massage because of its ability to stroke, relax and accept as well as its capacity to create mutual understanding. For me, time stops during a tantra massage and one can escape hectic modern life in order to fully enjoy those unique moments of mutual closeness, tenderness and deep commitment. I love to feel the connection of energies between the receiving and the giving person and the play of touches during any tantra massage.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Coming soon...
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths
Tantra allows me to meet people at a deep intense level; to guide them on their way to nature and bring them relief, pleasure and joy in these stressful times. For me it is a perfect connection between the philosophy of a body and sensuality and psychotherapy, which are my fields of expertise, as well as a celebration of life that I cherish and praise above all. I give all my arts and myself to clients to enjoy a perfect connection of your mind and body tantra offers.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, baths
Coming soon...
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Diana is a beautiful sensual woman, who surprises you with her balance, maturity and inner peace. Tantra massages with her are full of tenderness, playfulness and soft sensuality, which will totally absorb you and lead you deep into exciting meditation.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Tantra massage is a wonderful ritual honouring the divinity of every human being in all his or her beauty. It mediates the blissful feelings inside the divine space of a tantric temple, and the space of ourselves. With love and with an open heart I will gladly guide you on these journeys. We will share the liberation this powerful energy can bring.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Coming soon...
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
For me tantra massage is a sensual ritual during which I can pamper and perfectly relax your body and mind. I will help you stop, put aside everyday life worries and indulge in yourself, your body, the energy between us and deep relaxation and feeling. For me tantra is a deep well of wisdom that can be understood only through personal experience.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra massage teaches us to be present in our body, feel its vitality, energy and pulsation, it teaches us to live the world around us to the full, through all senses and each cell of our body. It helps us shed masks and everything foreign to us that blocks the flow of our spontaneity. For me tantra massage is a way to spontaneity, healing, love and vitality. I will be your guide on your path to yourself, to wild and gentle elements of your being. I will take care of you and listen to you.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Tantra for me is a path to myself, to my body and soul. It is a journey of acceptance. Tantra teaches that you are One and that development is possible only through love. As soon as you submit yourself to my hands I will lead you through another dimension. In this loving environment time plays no role. Your senses will awaken, your body cells will merge into one and come alive in an ecstatic dance, your heart will open and love will penetrate into the deepest recesses of your being.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra is a fascinating science that allows me to constantly discover new dimensions of our being, deepen my perception, and add logs to my inner fire. It leads me to a deeper self-knowledge and to more intense experiences. It helps me harmonize my body, mind and soul so that I can sail through life with greater ease and joy.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, tantric-shamanic massage
Tantra to me is a combination of meditation, rituals, relaxation and awareness. It allows a person to know themselves in the greatest detail and become who we really are. It is a combination of incredible beauty and knowledge all through our touches and caresses. The combination of melody, sensual touches, the divine beauty of each of us, oriental fragrance and calm atmosphere, can discover treasures.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body
Tantra massage is a gate to another world for me, a gate to a place where roles do not matter and where there are no stereotypes nor social barriers. To a place where nakedness, sensuality and the beauty of human body become natural again. I like the fact that through this strong ritual and sensational massage I can help myself and others discover our sexuality, I can pamper them and also honour their body, mind and soul.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Coming soon...
Specialization: tantra massages for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, tantric-shamanic massage
Nikol is a gentle and sweet woman with a gracious manner and nice personality. Her massages are a pleasant way to relax as well as a gentle adventure toward your own body and a total experience of self.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, baths
Tantra massage therapist
Tantra massage is a way to create paradise on Earth for me. By opening the gates of the present moment, you stop thinking about the past and the future. That way at least for a while you can shed all worries and problems. The mysterious ritual of Tantra massage is also a celebration of uniqueness, which is your true essence. Let me honor the jewel of your being. Entrust yourself into my hands and on waves of gentleness, relaxation, playfulness and excitement experience what you might have searched for all your life. It will be my pleasure to be your guide on the journey that leads to the so far undiscovered depths of your body and soul.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra massage is a spiritual, exciting and intimate ritual for me. It awakens sexual and vital forces and using sensuous touch it connects all senses, it helps develop and discover one’s own sexuality and sacredness. It is an invitation to the world of deep relaxation, care, beauty and tenderness. Allow yourself to experience and feel every unique moment and to fuse with yourself and your surroundings on all levels of the body, spirit and soul. It will be an honor for me to be your guide on a path to a new way of being on which I can help you turn off your mind, relax and fully indulge in the present moment which will push the limits of your experience.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra massage appealed to me primarily because of its depth, both when it comes to experiencing completely different dimensions and in its therapeutic effects. A combination of Tantra, aromatherapy and massage art enables us to slow down or stop, heal and harmonise our body and spirit. It is fantastic to permit oneself to be here and now and to listen to one’s own body, the body which can surprise us when we think we know it so well.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
I consider Tantra to be the massage for Kings. Using breath, touch, words and a pleasant setting we can delve into deep relaxation and awaken sensuality within us. It can restore life energy. We can experience an exceptional feeling of harmony and joy. For me Tantra is enriching and experiences gained through it are a jewel in my life.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Tantra massage fills me with deep joy. It has won my heart with its depth, stability as well as variability. Imagine that you get in a small boat and let yourself be carried away by waves. At this moment only you exist in harmony with all life on this Earth. It is full of tenderness, love, caresses and flowing human energy. It gives us precisely what we miss in our lives the most and without which we merely survive. Tantra is beautiful for its purity, perception and acceptance of one’s body as it was created. I look forward to our shared experience full of harmony, communion of souls and energies.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tereza is beautiful curious young woman who likes sports and is full of tenderness and endless inner power. Her intelligence will certainly charm you and you will be moved by her sense of humor. It is so pleasurable to be in her company. Moreover, as she practices physiotherapy, her experienced massage stokes and deep knowledge of anatomy will make your moments unforgettable. With Tereza, tantra massage is a means of getting to your inner self and a well-deserved relaxation full of tender touches.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
For me, Tantra is a path to love. Love for oneself, love for others and love for life itself. Tantra massage is a strong ritual in which through touch I can provide you with this sensing of beauty and divinity in you. I will lead you to relaxation, purification and rejuvenation of your body with which we will start the journey to a deep and loving contact with your soul. Tantra massage will thus not only relax you, but it will prove to be the most pleasant therapy you have experienced.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
I love gentle, deep as well as sensuous touch and caring for others is my second nature. For me Tantra massage is a ritual that allows me to do what I like doing best – to touch and provide others with unforgettable moments. A content client who likes to come back is the greatest reward for me. I will be happy to serve as your guide on a journey of discovering your body, intimacy and unexpected and so-far unknown feelings.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
There are not many women like her walking the face of the Earth. She has tenderness that soothes and the effervescence of fire that will seduce you. Let yourself get carried away. Go on a date with destiny and look a goddess in the eyes. She will welcome you with a warm smile for which you will never want to leave her presence. Succumb to her warm, gentle hands and set out on a journey into the most mysterious corners of your body and soul.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths
Tantra is a way of healing and is present in every conscious inhale and exhale. It involves being in the presence of unconditional love where the body and soul converge. Tantra is about creating a harmonious space filled with fragrance, sharing, listening, and honoring our differences and individuality. It provides me with a structure in which to relax and flow freely. Tantra teaches me to establish healthy boundaries while welcoming and accepting what is within them without pressure or striving for achievement. To me, Tantra is a celebration of the Divinity within us as well as our ordinary humanity.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths, tantric-shamanic massage
For me, tantra massage stands for the real ritual of worshipping one´s body and the person in general. During every tantra massage, I tend to awaken the feeling for one´s self. This includes the personal sense of self-importance and beauty based on unconditional love and individuality stemming, not from our ego, but out of our inner soul, which is very often hidden behind the various masks of everyday-life. Tantra massage is always a new and adventurous journey of exploring one´s body through tender touches and through energy stimulation. I believe this energy is simply waiting to be awakened.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
There is lots of beauty in each of us hidden somewhere deep inside. And this beauty becomes the dominant feature of our personality during the ritual of tantra massage. Moreover, during this spiritual and physical procedure, the openness and connection, created during the ritual, strongly help both masseur/masseuse and the receiving person to experience deep and transformational feelings. And this experience is always mutual and never of the same kind. It is an honor for me to be part of this self-exploration ritual of another human being and to use the art of tantra and touch to get rid of all masks and roles binding this beautiful human being to their real life. For me, tantra is my way to freedom and harmony. And this is why I preform these tantra massages with love and passionate concentration on that unique moment.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Tantra is a path, life and an encounter as well. It can’t be described in words, it needs to be experienced and lived. Tantra massage shows me how to be here and now, how to turn off my mind and enjoy the present moment. If I can put away my worries, relax and feel the joy of just being, it is a real bliss for me. If you are looking for a touch that will invigorate your sexual energy, but which will also heal your soul, it will be my pleasure to be your guide.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra massage is like a walk through the forest at night: mysterious, chilling, immensely exciting and also romantic and relaxing. Your senses awaken, you are in tune with the rhythm of another world and everything you know seems slightly different. And then an animal appears among the trees staring straight into your soul. You want to run away, but you also want to get closer. If you enter the enchanted forest with me, I’ll be your guide. I’ll lead you along unknown paths full of adventure; and if we get lost for a while, I’ll help you find yourself again.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
For me Tantra is the magical wisdom of the elders, which tends to be overlooked these days. It is a concept that everything is connected to everything else. The spiritual attitude of Tantra helps me approach myself and sexuality in a more mature way. Tantric perception helps me slow down in this hectic world and see detail, it teaches me how to work with my body and emotions and helps me develop my consciousness.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths
I think of tantra as a process respecting the human being as one of God´s creatures. It is a method enabling one to open up to his/her inner feelings, to human nature, the wisdom of the body, life and love. It is a harmonic connection of body and soul in relation to cosmic and earthly energies. Being in a good mood thanks to music, being relaxed thanks to dance and being happy through nature and creativity, I am pleased to pass on these joys of life with my open heart and through a gentle touch. I hope my own experience can lead to deep relaxation and the experience of one´s self with full respect of his/her sanctity. Tantric massage is a magic ritual full of gentle touches, energy connections, blissful moments, openness and ease. It is my pleasure to share this knowledge with you and to be your guide on this adventurous journey through these deep experiences.
Specialization: tantra massages for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths
Andrea is an extraordinarily charismatic, intelligent, original and inspiring young woman with a gentle sense of humor, sparkling eyes and and artistic soul. She knows how to listen, understand, make you happy and pique your interest. A tantra massage with Andrea is full of tenderness, passion, deep emotional experience, as well as mutual closeness.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Armed with love and joy I’ll guide you gently inside your inner being where you’ll find the most beautiful treasure you have – yourself. It will be the greatest encounter of your life. At that moment, your life will really become yours and you will be able to shape it in accordance with your own ideas. There are many paths that lead to oneself and to freedom. Tantra is one of them. Shall we go along it together? I’ll lead you step by step. Until you suddenly realize you can walk on your own, the fear will be gone. Your soul a light, your body a temple.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Denny is a gentle and sensitive woman who also knows how to go wild, be passionate and playful. She likes to travel and to meet new cultures. She loves dramatic arts and the stage lights. She is empathic and can easily gain peoples´ trust. With Denny, tantra massages are full of tender touches, sensuality, playfulness and mutual closeness.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
For me tantra is primarily a path of love, acceptance and deep knowledge of oneself and others. I like tantra massage because it provides not only feelings of excitement and ecstasy, but also a deep feeling of love for oneself. All this is accompanied with the feeling of free flowing energy and deep relaxation of all muscles as well as unnecessary thoughts. Tantra is in fact a way of accepting life, one’s body and sexuality in all its forms and aspects. Let me be your guide on this exciting and relaxing journey. Specialisation: tantra massage for men: Classic Tantra Massage, Tantra Massage Deluxe, Prostate Massage, Tantra Massage for Couples, Four- or More-Hands Massage.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra is a way of energy, love, touch as well as deep human contact. Tantra can’t be captured in words. Tantra is experienced and lived. It will change your way of thinking, sensing and feeling, it will relieve you of not only physical pain, but it also heals scars on the soul. With each massage you delve deeper and deeper into yourself and gently overcome current boundaries of experience. The next day you feel more vital, happier and more motivated. Each massage session is thus a new, adventurous journey full of surprises on which I will be happy to guide you.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
During Tantra massage we create a space together in which you can completely relax and be who you are, put away all masks and everyday worries and enjoy the attention and the conscious, loving touch. If you place your trust in me and let yourself be cared for, during a single Tantra massage session you will experience the depth and power of connecting the elements in your body. I will kindle the flame that will enliven and purify your body and my breath will carry it to your innermost places like a gentle stroke of wind. The rhythm of the massage will carry you like water on the waves of excitement and relaxation, while the firmness of my touch will connect you to the earthy stability and security.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
For me Tantra massage is a chance to share with others the beauty of the unity of body and mind that I can sense, to become a guide on a path to the unknown and profound. It is pure joy of giving and sharing. Whether you want to experience total relaxation and calm or you want to awaken your energy lines and experience ecstatic joy, Tantra massage opens up the door to all these feelings. It will be my honour to be your guide.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
For me Tantra is a wonderful, unrestrained, ecstatic energy as it leads us to our depths and opens the door to our real nature and to the love hidden inside us. It dissolves our pain, strokes our body and soul and opens the path to a deep, love-filled being. Tantra helps me discover and feel who I really am and to flow in the stream of the river of Life. With your permission I will guide you on your path of knowledge.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Life is a journely full of unexpected possibilites, crossroads, obstacles but also surprises. Tantra is a direction we both can take. It is a journay full of wisdom. We can walk together, I´ll become your guide and will help you to know yourself as well as an essence of happy and full consciousness in the outside and inside world.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses
Tantra massage allows me to enter space where I can be very close to other person, to remain with him in silence, where I can give ear to his or her soul and to feel his or her needs. I can guide, teach and discover respectfully. Tantra massage lets us to slow down, dream and to remain in a place where we can be ourselves. Loving and open-minded touch is part of sexual development. What a healing process!. I´d love to be your sensitive and inquisitive guide.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra taught me that the most interesting paths start with taking a deep breath and that conscious touch is the most natural mode of communication. I see Tantra massage as soul healing, a moment of rest in which we exist here and now, we can discover our innermost needs, experience playfulness, delight and joy or encounter our innermost fears. In short, we can be ourselves just as we need it. It is this feeling of “being in the present” that draws me to Tantra. We can be ourselves in Tantra and that is the most beautiful way of being.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
For me Tantra is a sacred ritual where meditation and love unite. It is acceptance of one’s own creative essence that lies dormant inside each of us. It is a way of discovering, pampering and accepting one’s spontaneity without fear or shame. Tantra is a way of life which enables me to perceive the current moment in its fullness and a path upwards and transformation through observing one’s true essence.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
I am interested in the human mind and its processes - how we make decisions, what motivates us to do so. I like to discuss my thoughts and think back on my choices. Where could the roads that I decided not to go lead? Questions of curiosity and introspection are an essential part of my philosophy and myself. However, I do not allow my analysis to drag me down to negative feelings. In fact, I do the opposite. I let myself be motivated by the analysis and learn through it. I am also fascinated by music, which allows me to lose myself in space and time. In my free moments, I devote myself to painting - both my own work and analyzing the works of other artists. It is music and art that are beautiful windows into the lives of people from different places and periods.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body
Above all I see Tantra as a philosophy of life. With harmony it connects male and female principles. It is a journey towards nirvana. This polarity is different in case of each one. Sometimes the male factor outweights, other times it is vice versa. We need to find a balance in order to be truly happy. Tantra is a mean to achieve it. Thanks to Tantra we are able to experience things in unity. Tantra Massage is leads us to the hoped for state of mind through relaxing feelings, ecstasy and soul which experiences either nirvana or release. In the divine moment in which energies interconnect with body and soul, we return to a natural harmony and our very essence. Appreciation of love and unity makes us immune against stress and lets us to keep nice feelings long after Tantra massage. My biggest wish is to participate on your own discoveries of potential and life strength.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage
Curiosity runs through me: about interacting with nature, about you, about our sexuality. Tantra opened the door for me to a world of inner perception and sensitivity. Let's fill the space by worshiping our souls, bodies and minds. I am honored to be your guide on the journey, where together we will deepen the experience and increase our energy potential.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths, tantric-shamanic massage
I was surprised by Tantra’s complexity, depth, strength and at the same time its tenderness. I’m fascinated by its immediate healing effect on the body and soul. In the ritual of Tantra massage we get closer to ourselves, we encounter the unknown and we learn to understand our nature. Tantra gives us an eternal space for learning, relaxation, meditation and growth. The power of Tantra can only fully show if you do it with an open heart and soul. I will be glad to be your guide on your way to deeper experiences, better relationships, health and work satisfaction.
Specialization: tantra massages for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
With the sound of drums, with a storm and wind, with the tremble of a butterfly’s wings, at the end of the old world and with the birth of the new one. The unbridled priestess has returned to her temple to help you find your true self. She has never belonged to this world, yet she is at home everywhere. Her power will surprise you, as much as her gentleness. You have been searching for this woman all your life, you’ve always known that. Are you ready to meet the woman who will touch your soul?
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
I like to spend my free time in nature, surrounded by the peaceful sounds of the forest after summer storms, when the air is full of energy and smells like rain. However, walking around the city and discovering its ancient history, which breathes from every laid brick, gives me the same joy. I love mysteries, myths and legends. I also rely a lot on movement. In addition to dancing, which I can fully devote myself to, you can also find me in the mountains, where I climb rocks.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths
Tantra massage is a wonderful sensual ritual of honouring the body and its beauty and nature. It comes from the heart and happens amongst two people who long to experience something unforgettable. Tantra massage for me means mainly freedom. Liberation of body and mind through wonderful music, aromatic candles and sensual touching leads us towards ourselves far away from the external rushing world. I approach each human being with respect and love; I can allow you to get to know yourselves in the most natural proficiency and get rid of all blocks that prevent your natural energy flow. Through my touching and exchange of our energies you experience wonderful moments of relaxation and inner fulfilment that lasts long after the tantra massage is over. I would be honoured to become your guide on your personal path.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
For me tantra massage is a way to help people love themselves, feel good in their body, heal old wounds and feel the power of one’s sexual energy. I will pamper you and lead you along the path of physical and mental relaxation on which you will also discover and understand yourself. During the tantra massage ritual I will help you get rid of stress and pamper you so much you will not want to leave.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Being a tantra masseuse, I experience lots of intimacy, emotions, and touches as well as shared energy vibrations. Tantra enables us to become who we really are. This beautiful massage goes way beyond the limits of physical touch. Aside from the relaxation itself, it will fill you up with essential life energy, which will last long after the massage. I will be happy to be your guide through an unforgettable adventure.
Specialization: Tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
Being a musician, I have come across many ways of getting to know myself. I have learned to feel the present moment while exploring my real, true and wild „me“. The more I get to know Tantra, the more I understand that this way is definitely one of the fastest as it starts with „the touch“ which is so real, here and now. There is no way you can avoid this experience even with the thousand words we use, usually unnecessarily, to communicate. What I like about Tantra the most and what fascinates me every day is how deep one can get into his/her own nature. Aside from being a simple, relaxing psychic and physical release, Tantra is also a beautiful and loving way of developing oneself. I am grateful to be part of this process.
Specialization: Tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Tantra massage for me is a fascinating ritual full of tender and sensual touching allowing us to get to human soul through the human body. The essence of tantra massage for me is humbleness and complete respect to human body but also to individuality of any human as such. Tantra massage is an unforgettable ritual representing overall relaxation, revival and pleasure through thoroughly tender and energising touching. Celebrating care, feeling of safety and harmony all through the massage allows you to learn deeper about yourself through a new physical and spiritual enjoyment and also let go of all stressing and limiting feelings. I will be honoured to become your guide on your path to new understanding and honouring your individuality.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi, baths
Ester catches your attention by her tender beauty and inner peace, which makes her a pleasant and sensitive companion, who can not only listen but also understand everything you feel like sharing with her. Her massages are a perfect blend of tenderness, passion and tantra work with breathing and energy. Tantra massage with her is a unique experience that opens a path to unknown depth of your personality and leaves you with pleasant feelings lasting long after the massage is over.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Tantra candidly honors one´s body and represents an amazing opportunity to communicate on deep and symbolic level. A brief moment and a single touch can transmit a whole palette of feelings or an errand, affecting the whole human, his body, mind and a soul. In every person I see a unique human being, a reflexion, a shadow of strength which creates and is the essence of everything around us.
Specialization: tantra massage for woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra is a beautiful way to physical and spiritual compatibility. It is a way how to learn something about myself and about whole universe. It helps us to achieve not only better physical and mental condition, but also to make the world around us healthier as well. This time force us to be perfect, to look great, to have great results, to have great performance at work and even then we hear that we are not good enough. We have never experienced unconditional love, we don’t even know how to love and treasure ourselves, our bodies. We always have to give and give but tantra massage gives you the opportunity to only accept. Accept that someone will take care of you. You can experience deep relaxation with no claims or judgements. You will be in intimate contact with your body and it helps you learn just how beautiful and perfect you are. I am your guide through the temple of your body, my touch causes that vitality flows directly through you to places that you have forgotten or never visited before. This glorious power of touch and tenderness will help you to heal cracks in your heart and soul.
Specialization: tantra massage for woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage
My life is full of art. For several years I have been enjoying painting, graphics and music, which lead me to tantra through professional cooperation. I always felt natural to touch and heal but only the art of massage really shaped my intuitive skills and abilities. Tantra massage is the art of conscious touching though which we try connecting with an individual human being and help let go of all worries limiting his natural energy that only then can freely flow. When the body relaxes and the mind opens, it feels like dancing with a beautiful music that we play together.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, baths
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
Pavlína is studying Chinese medicine and she is interested in work with human body, healing power of herbs, physical exercising, healthy life style and everything that helps keep the natural balance of human body. She is very sensitive, perceptive and kind. She can make you laugh and enjoy every minute with her. You will share deep experience and intimate story of your life. After meeting her, you will leave our centre with smile on your lips.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
Tantra massage is a place for connection of two souls when one respects another by a beautiful sensual ritual during which we together get back to harmony of body and mind. For me the world is a perfect place to live; I found my paradise and I would like to show it to you. Together we can experience a mystical moment of transcendence and balance. Let me be your guide on your path and I will not let you alone for a single time. Together we will float through timelessness.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage
Tantra allows me to approach another person without words, in an overall intimacy and sincerity. It opens a strange primordial space where two people stand facing each other as if in another space with nebulas, star clusters and colour galaxies. A man lets go of everything and gets caressed in deep stream of mystery. Touching is crystalizing and opening new life.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
I see tantra massage as a real woman´s journey who loves fully and also wholly accepts herlself, she respects her own body and soul and accepts others as they really are. I believe women have eyes through which they can see divine spark in every human being. Tantra is also a way to understand. Thanks to Tantra I can return back to my own nature, I open myself and watch you and a world around me with a great admiration.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, deeply relaxing massage
My vision is sharing joy - the joy of life, a unique moment or relaxation. Tantra for me is a personally discovery path and mission. I discovered my ability to please others that I can creatively use in tantra massage. During the massage shining healing energy flows through my hands and embrace. I am fascinated by the effects of tantra which makes me happy and internally fulfilled.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
Tantra shows me the way of love, honour for myself and to world around us. It is an important stop on our way through life, where we can listen to our needs, like proximity, touches or encouragement. Tantra helps us realize our uniqueness and attractiveness, the hidden perfection in our deficiencies. During the massage we can experience the essence of life itself.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
Tantra is a path to understanding oneself; it brings a chance to get a larger perception of common reality. Thanks to it I found a language to describe everything I had no words for before. For me personally it is a conscious way towards a human being and myself. Tantra massage for me combines a possibility of deep relaxation with the space to discover oneself. Tantra massage provides to enjoy a moment to stop and do something unusual and concentrate solely on oneself.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage
Jana studovala filmovou školu ve Zlíně, odkud si odnesla nejen cenné umělecké zkušennosti, ale především lásku k umění a kráse. Než přišla do našeho centra, pracovala jako masérka, učitelka tance a kreativní návrhářka oděvů a uměleckých předmětů. Absolvovala školu shiatsu.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
"The touch is for me the world of silence, the holy space without limitation, where it is not possible to manipulate by words. For the one, who tried it once, it is pleasure to go along with the others on the way of discovering and honoring the own body. It is not important, how we grew up, small, tall, fat or slim, if we are old or young. It is always WE and every our shape, bend or size has its own clear irreplaceable sense."
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
"Dotek je pro mě svět ticha, posvátný prostor bez omezení, kde se nedá manipulovat slovy. Pro toho, kdo to jednou okusil, je radostí provázet ostatní na této cestě objevování a uctění vlastního těla. Je úplně jedno, jak jsme narostli, malí, velcí, tlustí či tencí, zda jsme staří či mladí. Jsme to MY a každý náš tvar, záhyb či velikost má svůj jasný nezaměnitelný smysl. Přesně takoví chceme být přijímáni. Tantra masáž vnímám především jako dotekový rituál, probuzení citlivosti a smyslnosti, rozumem nevysvětlitelný blahodárný koktejl energie, živosti a lidského sblížení."
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
"Tantrická masáž je pro mě smyslný rituál k uctívání těla. Oslavuje jeho smysly a prožitky skrze potěšení. Umožňuje cestu do vlastního středu a tím vzájemnou harmonii mezi tělem a duchem. Během tantrické masáže se probouzející sexuální energie postupně rozvádí po celém těle, od prstů na nohou, po kořínky vlasů. Prožívání může být různé, od jemných vlnek na klidném jezeře, po vzrušující a divoké vlny na moři slasti. Bude mi ctí Vás provázet touto nezapomenutelnou cestou."
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
"Skrze tantrickou masáž davám druhému člověku svou blízkost a vřelost. Slast která oplývá vzrušující erotikou i něhou zároveň. Tantra masáže mě přitahují svými možnostmi působit nejen na povrchu těla, ale i v lidském nitru. Ráda se nechávám znova překvapovat a fascinovat každým novým, krásným setkáním. Přijďte okusit mou něhu na vlastní kůži."
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
"Tantrická masáž páru je smyslným rituálem plným pochopení a vzájemnosti. Jsme tichými průvodci pocitů vašeho těla, jejichž energie patří Vám. Darujete si tím nejen možnost prožívání svobody v přítomnosti partnera, což je velkým obohacením každého vztahu, ale i možnou inspiraci pro Váš další partnerský život, kde by neměla chybět tolerance, hravost a radost. Partnerská tantrická masáž může být oslavou dlouholetého zralého vztahu, právě tak jako vzrušivým objevováním ve vztahu nabitém vzájemnou přitažlivostí. Jakým způsobem bude masáž probíhat, rozhodujete právě vy a vaše hranice. Vždy přináší nové okamžiky, nezatížené očekáváním a omezením. I pro nás je tento rituál krásným zážitkem, blízkým našim propojeným srdcím a pohledu na tantru a život vůbec."
Specialization: tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners
I see Tantra as a journey towards the essence of a human being. It has philosophical as well as artful dimension with the main objective being a perfect understading with the other person. Sharing an energy and opening the new gates of self wisdom is an exciting experience: it resembles the very first human touch. It yields joy, delight and mutual trust and respect. Why Tantra massage? In Tantra I found a beauty of body, soul and endless opportunities for encounters and discovering. I wil be happy to guide you through all the corners of your sences and I will open you a new passage to yourself and also to the world around you.
Specialization: tantra massage for woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage
It’s not common to meet a man who would be strong and yet full of respect. Maybe it requires a wanderer’s soul and his freedom to awaken the freedom in others. If you want to be pampered and discover yourself, let him to lead you. The journeys he will take on you are gentle, yet wild and full of sacred admiration. Let yourself get carried away and flow down the current, even if you don’t know what awaits you; wild rapids, gentle rocking or something completely new...
Specialization: tantra massage for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
For me, tantric massage offers a space where a woman can slowly and peacefully put away all the roles of her external world and experience a deep and intimate meeting with her inner self at the present moment. Through physical touch and loving support, she can get to her real Self and enjoy her true identity. During tantra massage, there is time for the client to explore and experience moments of inner peace and self-acceptance. Tantra massage offers many treasures and it is up to us how deep we allow ourselves to go. I will be happy to be your guide through this adventure and I will happily offer you the necessary care and release.
Specialization: tantra massage for woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
I think of tantra the same way I think about life itself. I tend to be open, without any expectations and I try to believe. This means believing in a thousand-year-long tradition of ancient civilizations, the power of spiritual rituals, and the wisdom of my teachers. This is a belief in myself and in my skills and the special energy of each and every meeting. Simply put, I believe things do flow the right way. I respect the uniqueness of our body's sensitivity. It is exactly this connection of mind and body, which I perceive as a way to an authentic and meaningful life. Your body and mind want to lead you somewhere, let ?s try to follow them together. Perhaps there is a journey right to the center of our hearts waiting for us, maybe to our early childhood or even earlier, maybe even to the stars...
Specialization: Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage, baths
Curiosity, playfulness and purity. These are three important advantages of meeting this man. He puts his passion and dedication into finding your inner self, and elevating your potential and inner strength. He is an empathetic man who has seen a lot in life himself and has chosen the sacred path of Tantra. Some people dream dreams, some people live them, and some people pass them on. Let yourself be invited into your dream and you might be surprised by yourself. Step into a journey that has no end.
Specialization: tantra massages for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths
In order to give all my heart to become a second guide on the way of knowing our own body, we must first go through a profound change in ourselves. We must learn to accept ourselves and rejoice our nature. The decision to pursue to the art of tantric massage for me was the result of my personal journey that led me to the tantric temple where I can give to others through the touch, pleasure, care and love the joy and release them from all worries. Tantra also gives me a sense of self-fulfillment, joy and peace, revives me and helps me to be more receptive and relaxed. Tantra is the art of meditation and the art of conscious life. Tantric massage is for me especially energizing and revitalizing ritual, but also offers deep calmness and relaxation. If you want to know me, let me touch you. Through the touch I will tell you much more than I am able to tell with the words.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, baths
Tantra massage is a spiritual journey of a deep touch, living energy and self-knowledge. Being a guide on this unique path has become my mission; it fulfils me and provides me with strength. I enjoy discovering the hidden and the unknown and to worship the beauty and strength women have inside them and which never ceases to fascinate me. The art of worshiping female energy as the energy of the life-giving origin is unfortunately almost forgotten, so I will help you rekindle the flame and show you that nothing in this wonderful world is impossible.
Specialization: tantra massage for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
Tantra massages gives me the opportunity to really meet one another. While drinking a hot tea and then deeper in touching, caressing and even in arousal. Mutual openness and honesty in intimate moment that we share together, is essential. Tantra massage affects not only your health, but also the inner mechanism of your body, as well pleases your heart and soul. This is what I like about Tantra.
Specialization: tantra massage for men and woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, tantra massage Birth of Venus, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, massage "Tokoriki" with hot shells
Tantra teaches me to apprehend myself and the world differently. It is an ideal combination of spirituality, mystique, expression of respect towards body, deep harmony and pure joy of own sexuality. Caring for others seems natural to me. Tantra has become more than a meaningful and inspirational work. It is a philosophy which I love to discover, learn and integrate into life. Tantra massage allows me to be usefulll and to help others feeling good. I love touching. I see Tantra massage as an amazing and mutually enriching encounter of two people.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage with Temple priestesses, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi
Míra is an unusually charismatic man. From the very first moment he will captivate you with his manner, openness and ease. His enthusiasm is contagious. When you set out on a journey with him, you don’t need to worry about anything. It is unbelievable how he can provide security, support and strength while leaving space for you and your needs. He sees every encounter as a unique and exceptional moment and he sees depth in every story. He puts the whole world in every touch.
Specialization: tantra massage for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
Ritual tantra massage is a unique tribute to a human being. During the interaction, obligations and everyday routines disappear and the inner beauty of a person comes to the fore. Tantra massage has many faces, just like every woman. It can be playful and joyful, thrilling and passionate, but also deeply relaxing and spiritual. It is my honour to help you open the door to yourself and share the unique moment of awakening the body and freeing the spirit.
Specialization: tantra massages for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
The word Tantra sounds magical to me. It´s intimate, sensful and healing. It´s a meeting fo two open souls, being ready to experience and discover something deeper in themselfs. I tis a challange to expereience hýčkání a laskání of our Divine body. Opening to a power inside ourselfs and taste of joy of being, which slowly squirs into ALL of the cells of the God´s temple.
Specialization: tantra massage for men by men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, partner gay tantra massage, four handed gay tantra massage
Thru Tantra we can at least for the moment escape from this world and enjoy moments full of kind and honest touches on body and soul alike. These physical encounters will také you on the journey of love, excitement and openess. They will help you to know better your body and to love it as i tis. During massage I try to connect body energy and energy of soul into single divine temple of endless love. Every massage is means to me a celebration of body and soul. I tis also a meditation, during which you will experience moments of genuine ecstasy.
Specialization: tantra massage for men by men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, partner gay tantra massage, four handed gay tantra massage
For me, tantra massage is a wonderful, sensual and deep ritual enabling me to put off the worries of everyday life including all masks and social roles. I work individually and without any prejudices with each person during this massage. It is not important for me to know who you are in your ordinary life, but I need to see why you came, what you need and how can I help you feel better. Moreover, I am again and again surprised what a simple deliberate touch can do with your emotions and how it can open brand new dimensions of life. Finally, each human being is original, thus each massage is an unique experience that I am always looking forward to.
Specialization: Tantra massage for men by men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva and Shakti, deeply relaxing massage, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, partner gay tantra massage, four handed gay tantra massage
Tantra has shown me the sensuality of life's journey. It brought the harmony of physical energy and love into my life. It made me understand the value of showing people that transforming sexual energy into the whole body is not so complicated and that it is really worth it.
Specialization: tantra massage for men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, partner gay tantra massage, four handed gay tantra massage, tantra massage for men by men, baths
Tantra massage for me personally is an unusually, exciting and mysterious ritual. A man can liberate from daily worries, relax and flow elsewhere. Anyone can experience something new and hard to describe with words, improve sex life and discover hidden desires. Through a masseur or a masseuse you can throw away a mask and really yourself, if only for a short moment.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage for partners, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, tantra massage for men by men
Tantra massage is ideal connection of relaxation and intensive awareness of my true self. To take care of others is what makes my life complete. I experience pure joy of touch and I am extremely happy when I see a woman bloom and glow from my energy during tantra massage. It is moment when things make sense, moment when two people, two hearts and two souls connect and share something precious that inspires them.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage
Tantra means a great opportuinity to meet poeple. In the beginning the person is strange, but throughout the time she becomes a beautiful women and in the end I stay alone. I feel tantra in every amazing moment. It´s like a soft tread, interconnecting all human beings. Tantra is invisible net between us, it connects things we have in common. Thanks to it we can vnímat each other. OUr body is a part of this world, each of its cell knows it´s place and mission.
Specialization: tantra massage for woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
Personally tantra for me means a life path that is also a very quick path towards me and other people. It widens my perception of all of us as unique beautiful being worth respect and admiration. A specific tantra approach to sexual energy can open quite new dimensions for its perception. Large possibilities for deepening and enhancing experience open for us. Tantra is strongly influential to our mental state; through tantra massage self-acceptance of an accepting woman improves. At the same time she enjoy the feeling of liberation and a path towards unconditional love to ourselves and others surfaces. I would like to share overwhelming love I feel and offer you. For me it is a matter-of-course to respect and sensually react to personal individuality and I very much care about your trust and feeling of safety. I can listen to you and honestly answer any questions you ask me.
Specialization: tantra massage for woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
During tantra massage ritual I mainly try to create a safe space where an accepting woman can make an authentic contact with her own body and its requirements. The space offers place for anything that matters to a client. During tantra massage nothing that should or must be actually exists anymore. Any woman in her various roles of a partner, lover or a mother, is primarily a woman. During and emphatic massage you can let go of all the roles and be just a woman; let go of all the hard and male-like and enjoy what is really natural and fulfils you. Tantra for me symbolises honouring and gentle acceptance of everything around me; it is an instrument for creating a conscious and authentic life.
Tantra showed me a new way of working with the body. It helped me accept myself as I am, to feel every bit of my body, to perceive it, and connect body, mind and heart in perfect harmony. It helped me to enjoy immediately every moment, here and now. It is an amazing path, and I am very honored to walk it.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, partner gay tantra massage, four handed gay tantra massage, tantra massage for men by men, baths
I perceive Tantra as an opportunity to find the beauties of life, to reveal the veil of secrets hidden in bodily pleasures, to cultivate the mind, body and spiritual path, and to write several lyrical-epic stanzas of the poem of my life. Tantra led me to the peace of understanding that I am not just a drummer, violinist, engineer, poet, loving and caring dad and masseur, but also a compassionate and kind angel or a playful and cuddly animal in a man's body that can growl properly. Come with me to write a few lines or chapters of the knowledge of your life.
Specialization: tantra massages for men and women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths, tantric-shamanic massage
Woman was man‘s first religion. Goddess - mother. This tradition should not be forgotten. Tantra gives the opportunity to find your true self, to realise your existence in this world. Every Goddess wants to be real woman. Every Goddess wants to be real woman, wants to explore deepest secrets of her existence.
Specialization: tantra massage for woman: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, Indian head massage, hot lava stones massage, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
Tantra massage is a real celebration of life, beauty and sensuality in all its dimensions. It is a unique experience of intimacy, sensuality and pure natural energy that we can share in our tantra temple an atmosphere and genius loci of which allow you to taste all my touching and give in to the present moment. I will gladly be your guide and help you understand your sexuality and your bodily needs. Come and stop for a moment and let yourself pamper from head to toes. I will be happy to become your guide!
Specialization: tantra massage for men by men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, partner gay tantra massage, four handed gay tantra massage, baths
I perceive tantra Massage primarily like a intimate human encounter, and the opportunity for self-knowledge and the awakening of inner energy, joy and zest for life, for me and for a client as well. Tantra massage helps if you want to relax or draw new strength because it gives you both. I will be a sensitive guide for exploring your sexuality, awakening the senses and experience of present moment.
Specialization: tantra massage for men by men: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, massage of prostate, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shiva, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, partner gay tantra massage, four handed gay tantra massage
Tantra is a way to get rid of all social masks and roles, to connect with my subconscious, with myself, and to feel what I really want and need for happiness. It is something almost supernatural and at the same time the most natural. It is connection with the body and at the same time the world around. It also ignites the inner fire and desire that can transform the world around us.
Specialization: tantra massages for women: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti, sensuous ritual of honoring the body, baths
In my opinion, tantra is one of the many transformation techniques capable of transforming the instinctive sexual energy to the vital life energy and then moving it to a spiritual level. And once we let this energy free, it can certainly become a source of creativity and potential. During a tantra massage, I believe it is highly important to keep to its principles, for example thinking of tantra not only as physical touch between two people, but as of the touching of two hearts, communicating without words. It is a ritual in which two people become one through closeness and mutual trust. Tantra massage sets a woman free to explore her own sensuality and sexuality.
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, new dimensions massage, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners, four handed tantra massage, tantra massage Birth of Venus, deeply relaxing massage, tantra massage Initiation of Shakti
"For me every woman is venerated goddess. Also woman – goddess can suffer by physical hurt from past, internal blocks in opening herself to surrounding, blocks in relations with men, partners or herself or can be simply exhausted. I revere the courage of those, who decide to try massage, which leads to new refreshment to everyday living and often also to basic changes in approach to life. Those, who prefer the healthful touch and holistic care of the body before anti-depressives, because non of its part exists separately and the fire of women is hidden in place, where the passion, inspiration and life itself engenders."
"But the entering gate to the strong emotional experience can be also the auricle or gentle massage of palm. With humility, I will welcome every woman, who will try to overcome the barriers of prejudices in herself and try to enter to new dimensions of being, because tantra is more than only massage. I will welcome also the one, who feels good in her own body and wants to experience new touches and pleasure. Nothing is more meaningful than to give the buoyancy or celebrate together with someone the life itself."
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage for partners
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation, tantra massage for partners
"Dokonalá harmonie a souhra masérek během čtyř a víceruční tantra masáže vám umožní plně se ponořit do prožávání slasti přítomného okamžiku. Zapomenete na vše okolo a budete vnímat jen jejich doteky. Víceruční tantra masáž se stane nezapomenutelným zážitkem rozkoše a vytržení z všední reality. Přinese vám novou radost a hluboké oživení těla i duše. Čtyř a víceruční tantra masáže nabízíme pro muže i ženy."
Specialization: classical tantra massage, tantra massage De Luxe, tantra massage Pretty woman, tantra massage as a Ritual of tantric iniciation
Do you need to have your body thoroughly massaged, your back straightened or to get rid of tension and stress? Are you looking for a masseur who can pamper you, but also press hard when needed? Martin is a charismatic man with a strong touch and a perfect knowledge of anatomy and how to treat the body, a field he has been active in for over fifteen years. Relax into his experienced hands and ease your tired muscles, aching back and stressed mind. As a professional sportsman and a masseur who has worked with VIP patients in England and the USA, Martin will provide what your body needs at the moment. Indulge in the therapeutic, relaxation or rehab massage and restore not only your energy, but also your health.
Specialization: therapeutic and rehab massage, deep relaxation massage, Indian head massage, reflexive foot massage, trigger point therapy, passive stretching. Massage is available for both men and women. Gay friendly. deeply relaxing massage
Site-map - Our Special Offers - Frequently Asked Questions
Tantra massage is a combination of ancient tantra-tao techniques and classic massage. This gentle and luxurious ritual will stir your energy up and will fill all your body of excitement and gentleness..
Sensuous, relaxing massage of body, recomended as first expirience with tantra massage or as gift.
Classical tantra massage includes meeating ritual, using of hot towels..
Luxurious massage - you can enjoy the best of tantra massage..
Sensual, luxurious tantra massage designed especially for women..
Enjoy experience of sophisticated harmony of Four hand tantra massage..
Process of tantra massage is governed by your energy and feelings: you can experience it like a gentle and sensual ritual, or like a massage with a firm masculine touch.
Massage starts from outside, as a massage of the place between testicles and anal foramen..
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Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd., Grafická 1216/25 (entrance: Na Čečeličce 5), Prague 5. IČ: 24688142. |