Tantra massage Prague Ltd. – Contact


Tantra masáže Praha s.r.o.
Na Čečeličce 5
Praha 5 - 150 00

Opening hours:

Monday to Sunday, 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Kontakty, Objednávky


Telefon: + 420 773 113 223
Email: info@tantramasaze.com

Kontakt na vedenĂ­ spoleÄŤnosti Company management:
Bc. Michaela Lynnette Torstenová
Grafická 1216/25
Praha 5 - 150 00

Email: m.torstenova@tantramasaze.com

Kontakt na marketing Marketing Department:
Telefon: +420 602 389 979
Email: obchod@tantramasaze.com

skola tantra masáže School of Tantra Massage:
Telefon: +420 774 451 565
Email: skola@tantramasaze.com

Kontakt na masáže

Account numbers:

Gift vouchers for tantric massage:

School of Tantra Massage:


Taxi: Our studio is in downtown Prague, not far from the metro station Anděl. You can reach us from any hotel by taxi within 15 minutes.

Public Transportation: The studio is one tram station away from the metro station Anděl. If arriving by public transportation, get off at Anděl and follow tram: 9, 15, 16. to tram stop Bertramka. Walk back towards Anděl and turn left. Our studio is on the left-hand side of Na Čečeličcestreet.

(Clicking the map in a larger window)

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Write us


Founder of the Integrity Center

Bc. Michaela Lynnette Torstenová Bc. Michaela
Lynnette Torstenová

Dramatherapist, tantric tutor and tantric massage trainer, graduate of Sky Dancing Tantra, a student of the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the UK, masseuse and founder of Tantra massage center Prague s.r.o.Read more

What is Tantra Massage?

Tantra massage combines elements of ancient Tantra-Taoist techniques and massages, with an atmosphere of sensual, intimate ritual that rise your energy up and fill you with excitement, tenderness and a sense of vitality and inspiration. Tantra massage is based on personal approach, sensitive attention and deep knowledge of energy work to help you relax, discover ecstatic experience and intimacy of your own body. Read more

Our tantra massages

Sensuous ritual of honoring the body

Sen­sual and re­lax­ing body mas­sage, suit­able as a gen­tle entry into the world of tantra mas­sage, or as a gift.

Sensuous ritual of honoring the body

Classical Tantra massage

This is a sen­sual re­lax­ing full body mas­sage, dur­ing which you ex­pe­ri­ence a flow of life en­ergy and pleas­antly relax both your mind and body.

Classical Tantra massage

Tantra massage Deluxe

Lux­ury tantra mas­sage, dur­ing which you ex­pe­ri­ence the best of our masseuse skills and enjoy enough time just for your­self.

Tantra massage Deluxe

Luxurious massage Pretty Woman

Sen­sual pro­longed tantra mas­sages are ap­pre­ci­ated es­pe­cially by women who are cel­e­brated through many rit­u­als and spe­cially se­lected tech­niques.

Luxurious massage Pretty Woman

Tantra massage The Birth of Venus

Venus, god­des of love and beauty was usu­ally pic­tured step­ping out of sea wa­ters. Water - it calms us and leads us to deep re­lax­ation.

Tantra massage The Birth of Venus

Tantra massage for couples

Tantra mas­sage can be shared with your part­ner. Your sex­ual en­ergy and mu­tual trust can be strongly en­hanced dur­ing the pro­ce­dure.

Tantra massage for couples

Four-handed tantra massage

Ex­pe­ri­ence per­fect har­mony of tantra mas­sage and lose your­self in tide-wave of won­der­ful touches all over your the body.

Four-handed tantra massage

Massage of the prostate

This unique heal­ing mas­sage will help you to dis­cover new lev­els of in­ti­macy and en­ergy re­fill through the first Chakra.

Massage of the prostate

New dimensions (for women)

This heal­ing mas­sage gen­tly re­laxes pelvic area and brings a deep and sat­is­fy­ing feel­ing through stim­u­la­tion of the first Chakra.

New dimensions (for women)

Tantra massage for gays

Tantra mas­sage fol­lows your en­ergy and feel­ings; you can enjoy it as a soft and sen­sual rit­ual of a mas­sage with a firm manly touch.

Tantra massage for gays

Tantra massage for youths

Ex­pe­ri­ence re­lax­ing, ex­cit­ing and dis­cov­ery touches that will open a door to your own body in­ti­macy and awaken your fan­tasy and joy of ex­per­i­ment­ing.

Tantra massage for youths

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