Tantra massage Prague Ltd. – Articles

Tantra massage – a loving pleasure

Tantra massage – a loving pleasure

Tantra massage has many forms. It comes from India, a land of meditation, peace, smells, essential oils and sacred erotic; it teaches us to accept our own nakedness, to respect sexual feelings, to caress tender touches, to accept yourself and your partner and be able to experience a deep full body orgasm. It is not just a massage, but a process reflecting our life and moods. Once it is like a ride on a wild horse, other times swinging on the waves of ecstasy. Tantra massage will surprise you with its openness and sophisticated playfulness. It is a space for experimenting and deep relaxation. That means leaving all your expectations behind, get rid of any fantasies and fully live the present moment; to feel, to accept, to cry and to sigh.

Tantra massage as a spiritual path

Tantra massage as a spiritual path

She was born in temples that celebrated the goddesses of love, as well as life, fertility, and respect for nature and creation. The art of Tantra massage is thousands of years old. It was practised long before the arrival of Christianity. In the times of matriarchy, tantric lovemaking and Tantra massage were common among sacred prostitutes: women who dedicated their lives to a service for the goddess. They knew that sexual energy can be a strong creative and driving force. The experience of pleasure inspires us, but it can also heal and give us new vitality for life. Acquaint yourself with the tradition that Tantra massages continue and in which they have their roots.

My Very First Tantra Massage

My Very First Tantra Massage

A very first tantra massage through the eyes of a man. Why did he decide to go for it, what was he thinking during the procedure and how did he feel during the massage? Read the following authentic experience of a very first Tantra massage adventure written by our client David.

Tantra massage for women

Tantra massage for women

Desiring, energetic, tender or authentic... what´s all behind the term WOM AN? We are all different and original with our needs, wishes and expectations. If we decide to try out a magic of tantra massage we all need something else to enjoy it. Tantra massage can be velvety tender or passionate and healing as a touch of an attentive man. The massage can enhance caring feelings towards your own body, deep relaxation and tender shivers. Tell us what you need exactly! An article on tantra massage is designed for women who seek inspiration or courage to try tantra massage.

Tantra massage for pairs

Tantra massage for pairs

Tantra massage for pairs brings reviving and inspiration for pairs freshly in love as well as stable life partners. Common tantra massage leads to opening up and honest sharing mutual needs and physical as well as mental intimacy. Tantra massages for pairs are popular way of relaxation bringing new energy and joy. An art of tantra massage is not an exclusive professional skill for tantra centres but you can also learn it. To make the ritual as beautiful as possible it has to come out of concrete wishes and needs. As an inspiration prior to visiting our centre we prepared an article on important issues on pair tantra massage.

Tantra for men by men

Tantra for men by men

It is obvious that homosexual men and bisexuals — men who live with women —think about it. Surprisingly, Tantra massage for men by men also attracts open-minded heterosexuals who are curious and want to experience intimacy with another man. Read about the differences of Tantra for men by men, our own experience, what role is played by dominance and submissiveness, and who most often goes looking for them.

Prostate massage: A detailed look at practices and secret taboos

Prostate massage: A detailed look at practices and secret taboos

The prostate — also called the male G-spot — is situated inside the pelvis. Its stimulation and an inner massage will be a source of excitement, but also has healing effects that most men have never experienced before. A prostate massage helps to prevent cancer, and also prevents it from enlarging and causing related erection dysfunction. Prostate massages are both relishing and exciting. In this article, you will find everything about their positive effects as well as ways to prepare for such a massage. If you don’t find what you are looking for, also check the article titled “Prostate massage: Most frequent questions”.

Tantra massage for the modern woman

Tantra massage for the modern woman

Who is the modern woman? How much do the expectations of current society influence women today? Does there really exist such a thing as female naturalness? What should be done if the man lacks faith? The story of the modern woman and her encounters with Tantra is the story of a return to the origins of deep female essence as well as a vivid look up close at the deep changes of which the Tantra massage can be the beginning.

Tantra massage as infertility treatment

Tantra massage as infertility treatment

Relationship fulfilment, the miracle of life, the sense of meaning… the desired child can be all about this and much more for a couple in love. But what can you do in the case of unsuccessful conception? Sometimes our psyche causes lots of troubles and one of them could be the (non-physiological) difficulties of conceiving. How can Tantra massages help to relax your locked mind, to revitalize your body and open the gate to conception? Tantra has the strength to take you back to the roots of your relationship and will help you to disengage from the problem, so that everything comes to a place naturally and unobtrusively like a light and refreshing breeze over the ocean. Learn to care for yourself. Include mutually sensuous and relaxing massages in your relationship. Relax, read a book, let the mutual Tantra massage do the magic for you… Simply do what you have yearned for and watch what happens next. Tantra can start a process; it will help the energy to flow. It will allow you to wait. Don’t do anything: Just observe as IT happens.

Prostate, its meaning, function and treatment

Prostate, its meaning, function and treatment

People often tend to avoid the topic of the prostate, because the prostate belongs to the area of the genitals. Or it simply makes them uncomfortable, because the prostate is close to the rectum. That is why many of us stay silent about this organ. Men usually start talking about it only after they have suffered from an inflammation or a tumour. Read what the prostate really is, what purpose it serves, how it functions and how you can tell whether your prostate is healthy. In the following article, you will learn how to practise Tantra yoga and Tantra massage in order to ensure the health of your prostate. What are the signs of illness? Here you can find these and many other pieces of advice.

Tantra massage for youth as an initiation ritual into intimate living

Tantra massage for youth as an initiation ritual into intimate living

Tantra massage doesn’t have to be the privilege of rich pleasure-seekers. With its divine approach towards human sexuality, its spontaneity, openness and sophisticated practices, Tantra can be a source of experience as well as the first erotic adventures of many young people who are just beginning to explore the world of touches and passion and don’t yet know how to orientate themselves in this area. Tantra can keep them away from pornography and instead become for them a treasure trove of wisdom. They can find inspiration in their own relationships. It’s easy to turn Tantra into a milestone to which one can come back at moments of searching for the meaning of sexuality. Last but not least, it also lets us experience ecstasy.

Why tantra? Six reason to experience tantra massage at Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd.

Why tantra? Six reason to experience tantra massage at Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd.

Not sure whether to spend your first tantra massage in our center? Than read six main reasons why Tantra massage Prague, Ltd. is the right place for you.

Tantric massage versus erotic services

Tantric massage versus erotic services

Why is tantra associated with erotic services and tantric massage often perceived as a synonym for erotic massage? Can tantra massage possibly be a part of erotic salons offer? These and many other questions are answered by an experienced tantric instructor Anna.

Tantra massage quality standards

Tantra massage quality standards

The character of Tantra massages in the Czech Republic has changed dramatically since they were first introduced in the country. From being secretive massage practices that almost nobody knew about, they have become a huge hit, thanks to positive feedback from clients and media interest. At the moment, Tantra massage is one of the most sought-after massages ever. Unfortunately, this can also have negative effects. In order to save the spiritual and therapeutical principles of these practices and out of a determination to protect tantric teaching from exploitation, Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd. is proud to present its Quality Standards and Ethical Codex. It will help you to orientate yourself and choose the perfect massage studio as well as your most suitable Tantra guide.

10 years of Tantra massages in Czech Republic!

10 years of Tantra massages in Czech Republic!

In 2011, Tantra massages celebrated their 10-year anniversary in the Czech Republic. What was it like when these massages started in the country, what progress has Tantra made in the past decade? What has caused a boom over the past couple of years, and what should we be aware of while searching for the perfect tantric centre?

Tantra massage and ecology

Tantra massage and ecology

Topics that go hand in hand. Tantra is not just the teaching of erotic experience, practice and appreciation of sexuality but not least a return to oneself, care for your body, the perception of the moment and focus of your attention on the details of life. Ecology leads us back to nature, which gives us everything we need for life. Ecology is the way of natural, pure, fragrant and friendly to ourselves. Revel in the experiences of tantra massage, knowing that you are wrapped in scarves of soft cloth, which will not sting your skin, but stick to it like velvet. Support then its effects by pure food and drink and watch what it does to you. Be silent... You may hear your soul singing.

Why go for a massage?

Why go for a massage?

Massage is one of the oldest healing procedures. It is not only pleasant to the body and soul, but it can help with a range of psychological and physical disorders and completely transform a person in the long term. Do you suffer from backache or recurrent migraine? Are you stressed? Do you have problems in sex life? Do you want to lose weight? Read how regular massage can help you remove problems and restore the lost balance of body and soul.

Magical massages I – Oriental and exotic

Magical massages I – Oriental and exotic

I have personally tried and described the 15 most favourite massages from Europe and Orient. Here you will find the most interesting massages from exotic places and oriental cultures. You will learn everything about the process, but also about the effects, its origins and many other interesting facts. In this first part of the guide, you can read about the Hawaiian lomi-lomi massage, the traditional Thai massage, the ayurveed massage, the Indian head massage, lava-stone massages, Shiatsu massages, Tantra massages and Bali massages. Read more and find out which one is the best for you.

Magical massages II – Massages from Europe

Magical massages II – Massages from Europe

In the previous article we described the most popular massages and spa procedures from China, Japan, Thailand, India, Hawaii and Bali. In this part we will visit countries closer to us and we will introduce the most popular massages from Europe. These include: classic massage, sports massage, rehab massage, Breuss massage, the Dorn method, underwater massage, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite massage, aromatherapy massage and chocolate massage. Discover with us what massages from Europe at their best have to offer.

Magical massages III – Alternative massage types and movements

Magical massages III – Alternative massage types and movements

Alternative massage types are those treatments that not only massage the physical body, but subscribe to the concept of the so-called energetic body. Within these movements, massage is considered as a means of energy harmonisation and support in establishing an inner harmony thanks to which the client’s body can heal itself. In this part we present holistic massage, craniosacral therapy, tantric-Taoist massage and Reiki treatment.

Tantra – The East in the West

Tantra – The East in the West

A wise man once said the Western people see the world while people in the East rather sense it. The West stresses out logics, direct thinking and constructive arguments and sort of forgot to enjoy the moment, sense and feel it. Sometimes you feel like time has stopped in the East; people don’t rush, their communication is lengthy often even philosophical. You find people just standing in the streets chatting to each other. Western people, who emphasise efficacy, can almost lose their mind there. But people who live here have a smile on their face looking more satisfied. Tantra is an ancient art teaching us to consciously enjoy our emotions, to become more aware and sensitive. Thanks to tantra you stop just thinking about spiritual world and start living it.

Tantra and relationships of the new millennium

Tantra and relationships of the new millennium

Relationships are so fascinating! First of all we spend a lot of time trying to get into a relation and once we are a part of it, then we desire to be out again. What is wrong with us that our relationships often last only less than two years and if we sustain it then we remain unsatisfied? Where does love and passion burning its clear flame at the beginning disappear? Tantra offers a new revolutionary view at partner energy in relation and a path to keep it live and burning. Resource inspiration and find out all what tantra offers.

How tantric is a Tantra massage?

How tantric is a Tantra massage?

Tantra is an ancient teaching about sexual energy as well as a life philosophy. It has a long tradition and comprises many topics. Tantra — as it is now practised, broadly speaking, in modern countries — has been around for about 10 years. Many people ask, how deeply is Tantra massage connected to Tantra? You will find the answer in this article.

The mysterious Tantra: A terminology

The mysterious Tantra: A terminology

Is Tantra and tantric terminology confusing for you? Do you know what is the meaning of joni, lingam, chakra, kundalini energy and tantric sexuality? Have you asked yourself who are Shiva and Shakti, or whether Tantra is a religion or a philosophy? Are you interested in the principles of Tantra massages? You will find all the answers an article titled “Mysterious Tantra: A terminology.” We recommend this article to everyone who wishes to know more about Tantra!

Tantra and bad reputation

Tantra and bad reputation

Pictures of copulating couples decorating the walls of tantric temples, tantric masseuses pictured in sexy underwear, erotic masseuses promising to guide you through the “real” tantric experience. Is tantra just a bubble or a real therapeutic tool? What is behind the bad reputation of thousands of years old spiritual practice?

Lingam Massage and Sex in the City

Lingam Massage and Sex in the City

Many of you know the popular American show “Sex in the City” and its legendary scene, where is taught the lingam massage technique. Is this pure exaggeration or does the show picture the reality of tantra massage? Deep expert look on the famous comedy scene by experienced tantric lecturer and masseuse Anna.

Tantra instead of counseling

Tantra instead of counseling

A majority of contemporary partnerships sooner or later faces a fearful fact of mutual estrangement; there are unfulfilled expectations, more frustration and feeling of emptiness. An initial symptom is a decrease of sex drive and the relationship lacks intimacy. Divorce rate indicates we often have problem in relationship we are just not able to solve. Can tantra be a cure for relationship issues and help us become more satisfied?

Tantra and modern man’s needs

Tantra and modern man’s needs

Tantra, a thousand year old art that is still alive, tempting and increasing in popularity! Why is it really that attractive and what can tantra and tantra massage offer to modern people? Tantra is an art of touching, meditation and present being; it is caressing in times of rush and a magical ritual of erotic experience and discovering power of sexuality. Tantra massage is an element of ancient tantra teaching bringing tantra experience to modern people. Often it becomes a gate to deeper interest of the receiver and a magic act of tenderness and care.

Interview with Ma Prem Sugandho

Interview with Ma Prem Sugandho

Ma Prem Sughando is a tantra lecturer and a direct follower of the most famous tantra guru - Osho. She was born in Germany where she studied psychology; today she lives in Israel, enjoys meditating in Indian Puna and also gives tantra lessons in the Czech Republic. Below you can read about her ways of perceiving tantra and traditional psychology; talking about what is most important in life, what she wants to share in her courses and how she imagines her perfect day.

From Tantra massage to Naked yoga

From Tantra massage to Naked yoga

Imagine yourself sitting alone after a busy day with your eyes closed in a cosy room, surrounded only by the smell of jasmine sticks, the soft sound of a babbling stream and eight other women. While relaxing, you are getting ready for things to come. Someone tells you the lesson is about to start. After taking off your clothes, you know that together with the nudity, time and space is opened just for and only for your wellbeing. You enjoy the scent of your own body, and you passionately enjoy the newly acquired freedom. Nothing strangles or binds you down. There is only you, your body and the poetics of other people’s nudity. Read about Tantra massage and naked yoga lessons. Learn how these two can enrich and complement each other. Tantra massage servers as a path towards one’s sexuality through the body and naked yoga is a path towards the body through an acceptance of one’s own nudity.

How not to cause your partner’s infidelity or what to do so that she is faithful to you

How not to cause your partner’s infidelity
or what to do so that she is faithful to you

Do you sometimes wonder whether your partner is faithful to you? Are you afraid of her infidelity? Are you terrified by the idea that she might succumb to another man? You have more to do with whether she’ll be faithful to you or not than you think.

Tantra consulting

Tantra consulting

Are you worried by questions you are ashamed to ask? Are you confused in your relationships? Are you interested in how tantra or tantra massage can help your issues? Write us! Tantra consultation is for all readers of our website interested in the art of tantra and its benefits for everyday life. Your requests are responded by a therapist and tantra lecturer, Michaela Lynnette Torstenová.

An exclusive interview with the owner of Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd.

An exclusive interview with the owner of Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd.

Would you like to find out more about the origins of Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd.? Who are the masseurs and masseuses and who are their clients? Read an exclusive interview with the founder of Tantra Massage Prague, Ltd.

Tantra massage at zena.cz

Tantra massage at zena.cz

Tantra as a teaching and philosophy was established before the fifth century AD. In spite of that, it is nothing distant or abstract to us today. Many people who have practical knowledge of Tantra say that Tantra is a return to people’s nature; the nature that we have forgotten due to Christian roots, artificial morality, hectic modern times and its stress of performance and IT technologies.

J.X.D.: A tantra massage saloon is rather a psychotherapeutic centre than a brothel

J.X.D.: A tantra massage saloon is rather a psychotherapeutic centre than a brothel

A popular journalist and publicist J. X. Doležal got a tantra massage in our centre as a gift from his colleagues in Reflex magazine and wrote an article about it later. An objective report on what tantra massage actually is about, what spiritual and therapeutic contexts it contains and what we can expect it.

Tantra massage on Metropol TV

Tantra massage on Metropol TV

Tantra massage Prague, Ltd. attracted the attention of the front Czech journalist J.X. Doležal, who decided to make a reportage about us for Metropol TV.

Tantra massage in Vlasta magazine

Tantra massage in Vlasta magazine

St. Valentine, the day of all lovers inspired the chief-editor or Vlasta magazine, Lenka Jindrlová, to try out a tantra pair massage in our centre. She shares her own experience in the article below.

Tantra massage in Blesk for women magazine

Tantra massage in Blesk for women magazine

Are you interested in what you can enjoy during tantra massage but afraid to ask? Blesk for women brings you an open interview from a tantra massage, which discloses a veil of exciting secrets of tantra massage (not only) for women.

Tantra massage in GLANC magazine

Tantra massage in GLANC magazine

In cooperation with Glanc magazine we organised reader´s competition for luxury tantra massage for couples lasting for two hours added with a romantic rose bath with red rose and Champaign. A sympathetic young couple, Margareth and Lukas, were the lucky winners and they tested the massage in our centre and shared their experience.

Tantra massage in Beautiful Lady magazine

Tantra massage in Beautiful Lady magazine

Read a personal interview with the founder of Tantra massage Prague, Ltd. in Beautiful Lady magazine and find out how did the tantra massage technique Inner Wave were develop, what are the requirements for the tantric masseuse and what are the roots the tantra massage in the Czech Republic.

Tantra Massage Prague on SeeJay radio

Tantra Massage Prague on SeeJay radio

SeeJay Radio, program: Sex, Drugs, Dance. 27.3.2014. Lukas: It´s 3 minutes after 10 p.m. and this is Disclosure Voices on SeeJay radio. Today´s Sex, Drugs, Dance show is a little bit different as we have a very special guest here. Veronica, would you introduce our guest?

Tantra massage Prague Ltd. on Novinky.cz

Tantra massage Prague Ltd. on Novinky.cz

Journalist Michaela Cmíralová from the Novinky.cz visited our tantra center (Tantra massage Praha Ltd.). How she liked our tantra massage could be found in her impressive report.

Tantra massages in the Joy magazine

Tantra massages in the Joy magazine

Read a full version of an exclusive interview with Michaela L. Torstenova, a founder of Tantra massage Prague, for the December issue of Joy magazine. In the article you will find a number of interesting references and extra info that didn’t fit in the paper issue. Questions were asked by our reporter, Lucie Krejčířová.

Tantra massage in Prague - articles

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