Tantra-massagen Prag – Tantra Masseurin Katrin

Tantra Masseurin Katrin

Es gibt Frauen, die für die große Kunst, eine Dame zu sein, geschaffen sind. Sie sind schön, kultiviert, gebildet und man langweilt sich nie mit ihnen. Sie haben die große Gabe, dass Sie sich wie Könige neben ihnen fühlen. Sie sind fast aus unserer Welt verschwunden ... aber es gibt sie. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, sie in unserem Tempel zu besuchen und herauszufinden, was ihre liebevolle und spielerische Fürsorge mit Ihnen macht. Aber eines kann ich Ihnen versprechen, Sie werden erneut zu ihr kommen wollen.

Was ich mag:

Ich mag Harmonie und Ausgeglichenheit. Das Gefühl der Freiheit, aber mit fester Verankerung. In meinem Leben lerne ich gerne neue Dinge und erweitere bereits erworbenes Wissen. Ich mag Sport, ich gehe zu Massagen, ich praktiziere Yoga, ab und zu meditiere ich. Das Wichtigste ist, zufrieden zu sein. Dann kann ich die Freude weitergeben. Ich mag die Gesellschaft von netten Leuten, Kindern (ich bin ein Babysitter) und Haustieren. Ein gutes Buch, ein Spaziergang in der Natur mit meinem Hund, Musik hören, Ausstellungsbesuche, Theater, Yoga und Meditation versetzen mich in gute Laune.

Warum übe ich Tantra Massagen aus:

Es ist mir eine Freude, Begleiterin für Kunden in ihren Geschichten zu sein. Unsere gemeinsame Zeit ist kostbar, außergewöhnlich und wir sollten sie optimal nutzen, um Zufriedenheit zu erreichen. Mein Wunsch ist es, den Kunden mit Hilfe von TANTRA zu ermöglichen, angenehme Entspannung, Freude, Losgelöstsein und Harmonie zu erleben, damit sie zufrieden und mit wachen Sinnen nach Hause gehen und gerne wiederkommen.



Today I was lucky enough to experience a Tantric massage with Katrin, she has an amazing energy inspired by a beautiful heart. This was an experience that I hope to repeat again before too long, thank you so much for the wonderful time, I can recommend highly to anyone considering trying.
The 4-hands massage was just incredibly good. The location was nice (even though a bit too warm with clothes on) and the ladies were brilliant.
Many thanks again for your email and the exceptional service provided at Tantra Massage Prague. I am a semi-retired guy (although I should be fully retired!) and only discovered Tantric Massage two years ago. In my experience the Tantric Massage experience varies greatly. Unfortunately in the uk there are few places that offer what I now regard as a genuine Tantric experience. More often it is an escort providing what they call an erotic massage! However I have found a genuine Tantric provider in London that I visit when I can, they usually have two or three masseuses, mostly from Eastern Europe that visit for three or four months at a time.

Firstly can I say how helpful your website is, it provides more information of what to expect than most, which is why I wanted to give it a try on my recent visit to Prague. I was particularly reassured by your description of how different people respond to the massage differently. I was only in Prague for six days but was able to visit on two occasions. As I’m sure Catherine and Andrea will tell you I do find real Tantric Massage intense and am very responsive to Tantric touch, to the extent that it becomes difficult to control both my body and emotions, (at one point Catherine had to request a translator to ensure I was OK!!). I was aware of the masseuses slow deep breathing throughout (particularly Catherine) and that was a constant reminder to try to keep in tune with that. Ever since I have tried to spend a few minutes every day just sitting quietly doing breathing exercises and have afterwards been feeling a lot more relaxed in myself as a result. I also experienced two of the very best lingam massages I have ever had. Unfortunately that is not included at the centre I visit in London as their philosophy is that the organism should be kept within the body and ejaculation should be avoided. Although the masseuse is naked and there is intensive body to body contact. Having said that I found I found the massages at your spa equally as invigorating, exciting, refreshing and relaxing!!

Thank you for the opportunity to provide this feedback, it is difficult to talk to anyone who hasn’t experienced Tantric Massage about it and this has helped me crystallise my own feelings. I only wish your facility was located in the UK, but you can be sure I will return if or when I visit Prague in the future. Please pass on my thanks and appreciation to both Catherine and Andrea.
Many thanks to Catherine for the massage yesterday. Please let her know, that for the first time in several weeks I slept last night without getting any problems with my sinuses (blocked nose). I mentioned it yesterday and she did seem to focus on my head for a while, so I think that must of helped, I am still feeling the benefit of a wonderful 2 hours!!
Tantra-massagen Prag Na Čečeličce 5, Praha 5 Kontaktní údaje Tel: +420 603 185 066 E-mail: info@tantramasaze.com
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