Тантра-массажи Прага – Тантра массажист Мира

Тантра массажист Мира

Мира – необыкновенно харизматичный мужчина. Он моментально очарует вас своей искренностью, открытостью и непосредственностью. Его воодушевленность заразительна. С ним вам не о чем беспокоиться, он придаст вам уверенность и силы, будет вам надежной опорой, будет внимателен к вашим пожеланиям и потребностям. В каждой новой встрече он видит удивительную и неповторимую возможность. В каждом его прикосновении – целый мир.


Я люблю поэзию будней и праздников, ритмы старинной архитектуры, плывущие по небу облака, речь деревьев, дальние дороги и фантазии. Мне нравится открывать в женщине красоту явную и скрытую, видимую и невидимую. Обожаю человеческое прикосновение, оно меня вдохновляет и вселяет надежду на то, что люди смогут лучше понимать друг друга без помощи слов.

Почему тантра:

Тантра для меня – путь к познанию человеческого тела, в котором - ответы на все наши вопросы. Это священный ритуал, а прикосновение – это инициация. Оно заставит вас трепетать, откроет двери в неведомое, пробудит все ваши чувства. Тантра вас полностью покорит и околдует без слов, лишь взглядом, пониманием, тайной. Тантра-массаж – путь свободного духа, пьянящий нектар, сладчайший аромат, мистическое слияние тел и душ. Позвольте вашей лодке выйти в бушующий океан, в котором скрыты великие тайны! Легкие волны сменяются тропическими ураганами, яркое солнце – спокойствием и легким бризом лунной ночи. Экзотические острова полны ароматов, музыки, радости и ликования, если вы посетите их с отвагой и открытой душой. Вы заглянете в жерло вулкана, ваша жизнь прояснится, вы отбросите все маски. Медитируйте в спокойных водах. Шум моря унесет вашу душу в глубины самопознания. А я буду лишь твердо держать штурвал и не дам вам заблудиться.

Любимые тантра-массажи:

И краткий тантра-массаж может зарядить ваше тело энергией, необходимой для его оздоровления и гармонизации. Но я настоятельно рекомендую более продолжительные процедуры, дающие достаточно времени для достижения максимального эффекта. Поэтому я люблю тантра-массаж класса люкс для женщин «Pretty Woman», ритуал «Рождение Венеры» и массаж «Делюкс», а также тантра-массаж в четыре руки, который соединяет мужские и женские энергии, дарит совершенно уникальные ощущения. Мне очень нравятся тантра-массажи для пар, которые оказывают глубокое трансформирующее воздействие на отношения партнеров.



I have chosen Classical tantra massage in your center with masseur Mira. My experience was exceptional! Receptionist Eva was extremely polite and helpful during our e-mail communication prior my visit as well as in the center upon my arrival. Center is nice, quiet, and confident with spacious and delicate massage room. Atmosphere is relaxing and pleasurable but also healing and nurturing. Masseur Mira was above my expectations, very gentle, open, explained all details and done everything to provide such delicate experience which is result of tantra massage. It was healing experience too, with positive impact on my self-confidence. All ritual was in this manner. In my next visit to Prague I will visit your center again for sure. Thanks a lot! Best regards.
I had a Tantra massage twice within six months. I was going through a difficult period in my life, I was emotionally drained, I had lost myself, and sometimes even the will to live and breathe. One of my friends recommended going to the Tantra massage centre and I decided on the sensual ritual of honouring the body without intimate massage. I was really lucky I came across massage therapist Míra. His approach was really professional and he has a great charisma. He hands over his Tantra massage art as a cure. Touches full of energy in connection with great empathy and his intelligence helped me start to like myself and my body again and a new life journey opened up for me. Thank you very much. You have a great share in helping me return to life. You possess a unique gift for this work. I wish you all the best.
I’ve always wanted to try Tantra massage, but I couldn’t find the courage until my boyfriend gave it to me as a birthday present. It was a great gift. Míra was absolutely wonderful as a therapist and he took care of me. I’ll be glad to come for another massage session again.
Hello, I’d like to thank you for the moments that I experienced in your centre during a massage by Míra. My encounter with him was very inspirational, I like his approach to life. He has the rare gift of making people relax in his presence. During the massage I could feel the therapist’s attention and my freedom inside myself. All of this is very precious to me. Thank you.
Dear Mira,

I cannot even begin to say how thankful I am. You were amazing with your patience, sense of protection and kindness. You made me feel safe when I was in doubt from the beginning. The experience is something I will never forget and to explain how I felt after that is not possible. But I can tell you that it has helped me in a way to be more open. One session won't change a lot but it was more than I could hope for. I appreciate you taking the time to make me feel comfortable and not shy. I hope that if I find myself in Prague again, I can visit and get another session.

I also want to thank you for your amazing website. I chose your studio after I did a lot of research and your center was the only one with a lot of information that is good for first time clients. It helps knowing the background of the company, masseurs and process.

Thank you and all the best to you!
Madhavi, 32
I would love to thank Mira for an unbelievable massage. It is hard to describe what I felt, because everything what happened from the beginning to very end was more than magical. Mira made me feel safe, relaxed and very comfortable right from the beginning. It felt like we knew each other already...

I've never experienced anything like that before. Mira brought me to a completely different state of mind. His hands are magical. Loved his every touch. Sometimes very delicate and deeply sensual, another times passionate and full of fire. He touched my body and my soul. I felt a flow of energy from his every touch. He knew exactly what to do with me and perfectly read my body language. I felt beautiful and small in his magical hands...

I never felt anything like that before, nobody never caressed my body that way. Still after a few days I often go back in my mind to these wonderful moments.

Mira is very professional, respectful and caring gentlemen. He understands women's needs, and is very generous, passionate and powerful.

Massage with Mira was unbelievable erotic and healing at the same time. I feel reborn and recharged, and more aware of my needs. Can't believe that just one massage with Mira changed me on so many levels.

I didn't have enough time to talk Mira after my massage, but would like to thank you now for everything you've done that day, and how wonderful you make me feel for days. I'll always remember you, and hoping to come to Prague again.
Eva, 35, United States
I got tantra massage voucher from my brother as a birthday gift and I have to admit that I was a bit nervous about it. I have never tried tantra massage before, so I was wondering whether to choose a masseuse or a masseur. I'm very happy that I finally decided for masseur Mira. He was very empathetic and charismatic and I felt good in his presence. After a pleasant conversation, nervousness was replaced by curiosity and I was ready to start the ritual. It started slowly and I felt relaxed and energized at the same time. As the massage continued, I suddenly felt a wave of happiness, because I have not experienced anything like this for so long. The tenderness and care I received brought tears into my eyes. Everything bad was left behind and I felt light, relaxed, happy and healed. Thank you very much for this deep experience!
Тантра-массажи Прага Na Čečeličce 5, Praha 5 Kontaktní údaje Tel: +420 603 185 066 E-mail: info@tantramasaze.com
Тантра массажист Мира Тантра массажист Мира


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