Тантра-массажи Прага – TТантра массажистка Innes

TТантра массажистка Innes

Она несет вам в ладонях источник живой воды. Женщина с исцеляющими руками и нежной улыбкой. Это похоже на ветер, который может нежно погладить, а может и сбить с ног. Вы когда-нибудь восхищались мощью стихии? Вы когда-нибудь стояли на вершине горы и ощущали всю неповторимость мгновения? Такова она. Пленительные глаза и крылья птиц сопровождают ее. Она будет слушать вас, ласкать ваш разум и ваше тело. Она ждет паломника, которого сможет провести по дикой тропе, которую выберет сама. Она улыбнется и возьмет тебя за руку. Это еще не конец пути!


Наибольшее наслаждение дарят мне искусство и природа. Среди природы я могу быть самим собой. Лес и море дают мне силу и радость жизни. Люблю приятные повседневные мелочи: вкусные вегетарианские блюда, улыбки радости на лицах друзей, красоты Востока. Помимо поиска истины я люблю петь, танцевать, рисовать, создавать энергетические украшения из драгоценных камней, ракушек, собранных мной птичьих перьев, керамической глины и других природных материалов. Мне нравится выходить из зоны комфорта в путешествиях, чтобы взглянуть на жизнь по-новому. Наши привычки часто препятствуют нашему развитию, страх перемен мешает нам идти вперед. Путешествия помогают мне преодолевать этот страх и развиваться как личности. Так я погружаюсь глубже в красоту жизни, учусь быть верной себе и другим.

Почему тантра:

Все в жизни взаимосвязано. Как тело и душа. Каждое действие влечет много последствий. Даже, казалось бы, незначительный шаг может изменить всю вашу жизнь. Так и чувственный массаж может изменить ваше внутреннее самоощущение, взгляд на мир и на самого себя. Откройтесь для новых возможностей, позвольте себе увидеть невиданное, услышать неслыханное, ощутить невозможное. Только если мы будем следовать нашему внутреннему голосу, мы сможем обрести истинную радость и покой. Просто доверьтесь потоку жизни, растворите в нем страх и откройте свое сердце. Избавьтесь от шаблонов, навязанных семьей и обществом, живите здесь и сейчас, не оценивайте ни себя, ни других. Только в полноте ощущений текущего мгновения мы сможем отыскать истину.

Любимые тантра-массажи:

Чтобы ваше тело полностью расслабилось, ему необходимо много внимания, любви и заботы. В процессе длительного тантра-массажа Делюкс мне хватает времени, чтобы подарить вам глубокие целительные и трансформационные переживания.



I would like to thanks Innes for the amazing 4 hours tantra massage session. Although, this is my third visit to this amazing Tantra massage place, every visit was unique with each masseuse, but Innes was really amazing!

Innes is a very friendly, open and charming lady, you really can feel her energy all over the room. I really felt my body was floating and had no control over it (in a good way), I think she remembers that.

Also, thanks to all receptionists for the easy reservation and made this happen in my one day visit to Prague
Izyk, 34
Each time I'm in Prague I try to fit in a massage session with memories of the last session I had in this salon. Each time the session is remarkable and the one I had lately with Miss Innes was very relaxing, spiritual and long will be appreciated. Thank you
My name is Leo and I had a tantra massage with, Innes. I had some expectations but she reminded me to just be focus in the here and now and just to let my worries go. Really a good reminder, because as humans, we tend to worry about the future a lot and it may not even come. The massage was very relaxing that I slipped in-and-out of consciousness plenty of times. She was very calming to talk to. The environment was also very relaxing. I also like that the customer's satisfaction is the priority. Overall, I like the experience.
A visit to your center is a truly fantastic experience. The receptionist is respectful and dealing with her was without any problems. I’d like to thank Innes especially for the great experience both of the bath and the massage. Innes is a truly excellent massage therapist. I really enjoyed the massage. Thank you!
We’d like to thank Innes and Míra for a fantastic Tantra massage. They were both great and complemented each other. The actual experience was quite a lot different from what we had expected. My experience was very strong. At the end, we both realized what had weighed on us the most and we dealt with it. Our gratitude goes to the massage therapists for this; we will certainly come back again.
Ondra and Vera
I’d like to say thanks for my Sunday visit at your centre. I appreciate the fast and professional communication, nice and clean environment and everyone’s friendly approach. Here is my feedback: Innes is beautiful, gentle and empathetic and she led me to a parallel universe in which there is only here and now. In the end I was not even surprised that in the meantime three hours had passed on Earth. If Innes is like the wind, she most resembles the spring breeze that refreshes you on your journey or like a fresh zephyr that energises in the positive, creative sense. I also appreciate the debate during our meeting and talking about connections between art and energy. The energy I was offered during our meeting will stay with me to draw from for a long time.
Together with my husband we would like to thank Innes and Martina for a unique experience. We went for a Tantra massage for couples called Initiation of Shiva and Shakti. At the start we had a nice, natural and spontaneous chat about what we were to expect followed by a very deep experience of the actual massage. We felt very good and relaxed with you. Thank you.
Pavla and Dan
Dear Ms. Torsten,

I would like to write to you about how I came across Tantra massage and your center. I learned about Tantra massage when I bought Reflex magazine several years ago where there was an article about your massage center. After reading it I went to you for a massage. Tantra massage absorbed me so much that I don’t go for any other type of massage now. It is different from normal massage. For me, this massage is connected, how to say it well, with Buddhism, spirituality and honoring a person. In short, they are the best massage sessions during which within a few hours I regenerate my whole body.

Just in case, I tried other centers in Prague too, but you can’t compare them with yours. Yours is among the best in Prague. When I arrive a receptionist welcomes me, after that the massage therapist comes, in short, it’s very professional. It is clear that you care for every customer. I’ve been coming to your center for a long time and I’ve tried a lot of therapists. Each does the massage differently, but that’s not a problem, because each does it with respect for the client. You obviously appreciate everyone.

I was in Prague on Sunday, so I called you. Without any problem I booked a massage for the same day. You booked me without any difficulty. In other centers it is more complicated. I will travel to Prague again in November, so I’ve booked the Ritual of Tantra Initiation. I hope that I haven’t bothered you with my writing, but I just wanted to tell you that you are among the best.
I opted to try tantra massage at your center, and I have no regrets about making this decision. I ultimately decided on the 2 hour and 30-minute Tantra Deluxe massage with Innes. I must say I felt so comfortable with her throughout the entire massage experience from the interview until I departed the center. I was able to easily forget about stresses in my life and focus solely on sharing this incredible experience with Innes, as my guide and attentive masseuse. I truly appreciated very little subtle thing she did that I believe enhanced the massage. Please thank her for a fantastic massage experience, and I look forward to continuing to learn more about Tantric massage and the body's Chakra energy centers because of her.
Jason D, 39, United States
The massage Innes provided was fantastic. It really showed me the power of tantra. I experienced bliss and felt love all through my body. Thank you Innes for this gift.
Тантра-массажи Прага Na Čečeličce 5, Praha 5 Kontaktní údaje Tel: +420 603 185 066 E-mail: info@tantramasaze.com
TТантра массажистка Innes TТантра массажистка Innes


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